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Re: Trying to customize my gnus

From: Sébastien Vauban
Subject: Re: Trying to customize my gnus
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:56:17 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

andrea crotti wrote:
> - pasting (yanking) stuff:
>   I see other people nicely pasting with --cut-- syntax and I suppose
>   they do it from gnus, but I didn't find any function for that.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
`C-c M-m' runs the command `message-mark-inserted-region', which is an
interactive compiled Lisp function.

It is bound to C-c M-m, <menu-bar> <Message> <Insert Region Marked>.

(message-mark-inserted-region beg end &optional verbatim)

Mark some region in the current article with enclosing tags.
See `message-mark-insert-begin' and `message-mark-insert-end'.
If verbatim, use slrn style verbatim marks ("#v+" and "#v-").
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

> - colors:
>   not very important but for example the summary buffer is all one
>   color, some more colors would be nice to get more easily the situation.

Use `color-theme' and a configuration such as:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
     (gnus-splash-face ((t (:foreground "gold"))))

     ;; Gnus group buffer
     (gnus-group-mail-1-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:50/50/B0"))))
     (gnus-group-mail-1-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/50/B0" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-mail-2-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:66/00/66"))))
     (gnus-group-mail-2-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/00/66" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-mail-3-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:00/77/77"))))
     (gnus-group-mail-3-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/77/77" :weight bold))))

     (gnus-group-news-1-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:50/50/B0"))))
     (gnus-group-news-1-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/50/B0" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-news-2-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:66/00/66"))))
     (gnus-group-news-2-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/00/66" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-news-3-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:00/77/77"))))
     (gnus-group-news-3-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/77/77" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-news-4-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:99/00/00"))))
     (gnus-group-news-4-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/00/00" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-news-5-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:00/00/99"))))
     (gnus-group-news-5-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/00/99" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-group-news-6-empty-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:BB/66/00"))))
     (gnus-group-news-6-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/66/00" :weight bold))))

     ;; Gnus summary buffer
     (hl-line ((t (:background "SeaGreen1"))))
     (gnus-summary-selected-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/66/33" :weight 
     (gnus-summary-high-unread-face ((t (:foreground "blue" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-summary-high-read-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:80/00/80" :weight 
     (gnus-summary-high-ticked-face ((t (:foreground "hot pink" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-summary-high-ancient-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:77/77/99" :weight 
     (gnus-summary-normal-unread-face ((t (:foreground "blue"))))
     (gnus-summary-normal-read-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:80/00/80"))))
     (gnus-summary-normal-ticked-face ((t (:foreground "hot pink"))))
     (gnus-summary-normal-ancient-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:77/77/99"))))
     (gnus-summary-low-unread-face ((t (:low t :foreground "blue" :italic t))))
     (gnus-summary-low-read-face ((t (:low t :foreground "rgb:80/00/80" :italic 
     (gnus-summary-low-ticked-face ((t (:low t :foreground "hot pink" :italic 
     (gnus-summary-low-ancient-face ((t (:low t :foreground "rgb:77/77/99" 
:italic t))))
     (gnus-summary-cancelled-face ((t (:italic t :foreground "gray55" 
:strike-through t))))

     ;; Gnus article buffer
     (gnus-header-name-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:33/99/CC" :weight bold 
:family "Arial"))))
     (gnus-header-from-face ((t (:foreground "blue" :family "Arial"))))
     (gnus-header-subject-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:FF/66/33" :weight bold))))
     (gnus-header-newsgroups-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:33/99/CC" :family 
     (gnus-header-content-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:33/99/CC" :family 
     (gnus-cite-attribution-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:50/50/B0"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-1 ((t (:foreground "rgb:50/50/B0"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-2 ((t (:foreground "rgb:66/00/66"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-3 ((t (:foreground "rgb:00/77/77"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-4 ((t (:foreground "rgb:99/00/00"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-5 ((t (:foreground "rgb:00/00/99"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-6 ((t (:foreground "rgb:BB/66/00"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-7 ((t (:foreground "rgb:50/50/B0"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-8 ((t (:foreground "rgb:66/00/66"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-9 ((t (:foreground "rgb:00/77/77"))))
     (gnus-cite-face-10 ((t (:foreground "rgb:99/00/00"))))
     (gnus-signature-face ((t (:foreground "rgb:7F/7F/7F"))))
     (gnus-emphasis-bold ((t (:weight bold))))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Spice it to your taste!


Sébastien Vauban

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