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Re: Root problem for sorting the summary buffer

From: Chris Bayly
Subject: Re: Root problem for sorting the summary buffer
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 11:48:57 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Sebastien" == Sébastien Vauban <> writes:

    Sebastien> Hello, I've always had a problem regarding the sorting of
    Sebastien> articles in the newsgroups.


I don't have an answer for your question, but I can say that I'm seeing
the same thing...  In my .gnus I've set

(setq gnus-thread-sort-functions
      '((not gnus-thread-sort-by-most-recent-number)))

And I will still have threads that appear out of order.  That is, I will
have a thread with a message dated Dec-07.  That thread will appear
before a message posted Nov-31.  Strangely it seems to have many less
"misses" without the '(not)' in there, other then the fact that you end
up with the bizarre "newest mail/news at the top", which has never
worked for me.  (Try explaining 'n'ext and 'p'revious to someone when
your mail/news is backwards like that! :)

Not sure if my google-foo is weak or if others aren't seeing this
problem, but it would be great if someone could confirm that this is
either a bug in Gnus, or a bug in the user.

Chris <>

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