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Re: my vs maildir

From: Richard Riley
Subject: Re: my vs maildir
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:10:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Brett Viren <> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Richard Riley <> wrote:
>> Why would you do that? The overhead of Dovecot running is pretty
>> low. Doing it that way you incur the overhead of startup. With it being
>> a server other programs like offlineimap can then talk to it when
>> fetching your email and then storing it locally in dovecot for your
>> email client to retrieve using imap.
> I've tried it both ways.  The only noticeable difference to me is the
> lack of needing to provide authentication when imap is called
> directly.  After start up I don't notice any speed or functionality
> difference compared to talking to it over a socket.
> Running a server when it is not actually needed is frowned upon where
> I work so there is that, somewhat intangible, benefit for me.

If its company policy then yes I see. But really, the overhead is about
zero. When its not needed it sits there consuming pretty much nothing as
all such servers/daemons/services should. And of course the benefits are

offlineimap can talk to it with no special start and connect bootstrap

other machines can talk to it (if you want) e.g your dev machine on the
desk could have the router routing imap to it so you can read your email
from anywhere in the word.

That said I wasnt even aware of the reconnect and go shell method so its
informative all round;)

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