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Re: GNUS hide group from *Group* buffer when there no unread messages...

From: Oleksandr Gavenko
Subject: Re: GNUS hide group from *Group* buffer when there no unread messages...
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 20:10:48 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

On 2012-08-14, Adam Sjøgren wrote:

>> But GNUS hide groups from *Group* buffer when there no unread messages...
> Does L do what you want?

In some way yes, but this command (gnus-group-list-all-groups) also shown
unsubscribed and killed groups. But for my purpose it is not a harm.

My redefinition:

   (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "l")
     (lambda nil (interactive) (gnus-group-list-groups gnus-level-subscribed 

more suitable for my purpose but as I wrote recently about my workflow to find
group for reading or posting:

  C-s KEYWORD and C-s C-s ... as many time until find looked group and then
  RET in *Groups* buffer.

When some groups hidden due to:

> But GNUS hide groups from *Group* buffer when there no unread messages

I can't post to this groups with my workflow. So I look for way to preserve
all groups in *Groups* buffer discarding read or unread it.

I think that "defadvice" around "gnus-group-list-groups" will give me desired
behaviour. I am not expert of defadvice style of elisp programming but this
code seems work as I want (I use it for half day only...):

  (eval-after-load 'gnus-group
       (defadvice gnus-group-list-groups (before with-read-groups (&optional 
level unread lowest))
         (unless level
           (ad-set-arg 0 gnus-level-subscribed))
         (ad-set-arg 1 t)
       (ad-activate 'gnus-group-list-groups)

My previous code:

       (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "l")
         (lambda nil (interactive) (gnus-group-list-groups 
gnus-level-subscribed t)))

no longer necessary.

Best regards!

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