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Re: How to get mail from localhost?

From: Adam Sjøgren
Subject: Re: How to get mail from localhost?
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 19:40:08 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> Thanks Adam, but its just not working, and I can't see why.

If you get in the habit of saying what happens and what you expected to
happen, instead of saying "it doesn't work", you'll see that it is much
easier for people to help you :-)

> (setq mail-sources '((pop :server ""
>                                                 :user 
> ""
>                                                 :password 
> "rhubarbandcustard")))

So first you set mail-sources to one thing.

>       gnus-init-file       "~/.emacs.d/.gnus.el")

(Uh, it doesn't make sense to set gnus-init-file in your .gnus.el!)

> (setq mail-sources '((file :path "/var/mail/boudiccas")))

Then you overwrite the previous value...

> And this is what is shown on the 'gnus desktop' 
> =============================
>  U     *: nnml:mail.misc
>        6: nnfolder+archive:sent-mail
>        1: nnfolder+archive:sent-news
>       14: nnfolder+archive:sent.2014-03
>       16: nndraft:drafts
>  U     *: gmane.linux.debian.user
>        *: gmane.emacs.gnus.general
> ==============================

If you open nnml:mail.misc, what happens? I would expect email from
/var/mail/boudiccas to end up there, when you ask Gnus to fetch email.

> But none of the files or 'active' are touched with the time that I
> started GNUs off, I don't know where its getting the information from,
> as its not reading the folders in the pathway.

Gnus uses a file called .newsrc.eld to store state. It doesn't just scan
your filesystem willy nilly :-)

  Best regards,


 "I threw myself out a 1000 times                             Adam Sjøgren
  To seperate body from mind                   
  But you know I didn't give a damn
  I'm gonna be just who I am"

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