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Re: own webbased newsgroup types

From: Helmut Waitzmann
Subject: Re: own webbased newsgroup types
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2015 02:28:54 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Huchler <> writes:

>  (let ((last (car (last articles)))
>       (did nil)
>I have no idea what this "did" thing is supposed to be

You might read the documentation for the special form "let".  To do
that, type C-h f let RET

Let me comment that documentation:

The first parameter of "let" is the VARLIST, a list of variables.  Each
variable in that VARLIST is either a symbol: SYMBOL, which is bound to
nil, or it is a list of 2 elements: (SYMBOL VALUEFORM), which binds the
SYMBOL to the value of VALUEFORM.

In your example:

>  (let ((last (car (last articles)))
>       (did nil)

the first element of the VARLIST is a list of two elements:

(last (car (last articles)))


which tells "let" to bind the SYMBOL "last" to the value of the
VALUEFORM (car (last articles)),

and the second element of the VARLIST is a list of two elements, as well:

(did nil)


which tells "let" to bind the SYMBOL "did" to the value of the

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