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Re: nnir-notmuch-engine setup with gnus/offlineimap/dovecot

From: Rainer M Krug
Subject: Re: nnir-notmuch-engine setup with gnus/offlineimap/dovecot
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 08:59:33 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.1 (darwin)

Dave Abrahams <> writes:

> on Fri Sep 23 2016, Rainer M Krug <> wrote:
>> Dmitry Alexandrov <> writes:
>>>> Most discussions on this topic point to
>>>> The name implies that this may be exactly what I want, but the
>>>> link appears to be dead now.  I get an empty page when I try to
>>>> view it.
>> I am using exactly the same setup, except that I am using
>> ,----
>> | (nnimap-shell-program "/usr/local/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/imap -o 
>> mail_location=maildir:$HOME/Maildir")))
>> `----
>> to access my local mail and I don't have a dovecot daemon running
>> permanently.
> Yes.  Other things that work really well in a setup like that are:
> 1. Using dovecot's mdbox storage format, which is much more efficient

There is, among others, one reason why I don't use mbox format:
backup. If I add an email to a folder, the whole mbox file will be
backed up - in the case of maildir, only the new mail file. This saves
backup space, especially as I am using a Mac and Time Machine which is
doing hourly backups.

> 2. Building dovecot with clucene and stemmer support for search

Does this really work with nnimap-shell-program? I thought one has to
use the dovecot daemon for this?

> 3. Using mbsync from the isync project (scales much better than
>    offlineimap IMO, though I am about to try dropping it because doveadm
>    sync is already part of dovecot)

offlineimap works for me - and never change a running system (well -
that's the theory).

Interesting - didn't know about doveadm sync - any experiences with it?

How does it compare to isync and offlineimap?

>>> The Internet Archive Wayback Machine comes to your aid :-)
>>> (I have no idea whether this page is in fact helpful though.)
>> This link is helpful, but it did not actually help with getting the
>> search to work. There was another discy=ussion abl=out using lucene in
>> dovecot for the search, but as you, I would prefer notmuch search.
>> I have simply defined a shortcut for me to do the search - much
>> easier. You could even rebiung GG ?
>> Cheers,
>> Rainer
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Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
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