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Re: Finding last messages in a thread

From: Andrew Cohen
Subject: Re: Finding last messages in a thread
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 16:25:44 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "AC" == Andrew Cohen <> writes:

>>>>> "LI" == Lars Ingebrigtsen <> writes:
    LI> Michael Heerdegen <> writes:
    >>> I guessed the quickest way could be to limit to the current
    >>> thread (???), and then turn off threading (C-M-t), but the first
    >>> functionality doesn't seem to exist, so I implemented it quicky:

    LI> Limiting to a thread seems like a natural thing to do, but I
    LI> can't find such a command, either.  It seems like Gnus should
    LI> have such a command.

    AC> I think this already exists (bound to "/ T")

    AC> (defun gnus-summary-limit-include-thread (id &optional
    AC> thread-only) "Display all hidden articles belonging to thread
    AC> ID.  When called interactively, ID is the Message-ID of the
    AC> current article.  If thread-only is non-nil limit the summary
    AC> buffer to these articles."

    AC> What I typically do is "A T" (gnus-summary-refer-thread) which
    AC> will additionally search for all the articles in the thread.

And...its broken (I think). Since I use "A T" I never tried "/ T". With
a prefix arg its supposed to limit the summary buffer to the articles in
the thread, but it doesn't. I believe the (interactive) expression is
wrong, so that the prefix arg is thrown away. 

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