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Announce: MPDCon 1.5

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Announce: MPDCon 1.5
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:02:51 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.1.1a

MPDCon 1.5

The GAP Team is pleased to announce that MPDCon 1.5 is now available from
the GNUstep Application Project (

MPDCon is a graphical MPD client application for querying and playing
music on an MPD Server (

MPDCon Features:

* Player, allows you to change repeat and shuffle modes as well as
crossfade on the server
* watch and manipulate the current playlist
* manage playlists
* browse the whole music collection
* Lyrics Inspector, connecting to to retrieve lyrics of
current song
* Song Inspector
* Playlist inspector with configurable random feed of the playlist

Prerequisites to use MPDCon:

* You need an MPD server running somewhere
* to build MPDCon, you need: 
  * a recent libmpdclient library
  * GNUstep SQLClient library, at least with a SQLite3 backend
  * a library providing arc4random, i.e. libbsd on Linux systems, libc mostly 
everywhere else

Changes in version 1.5:
* new filesystem collection browser
* possibility to delete selected files from the playlist
* many other bugfixes

Where to get it:

>From the GNUstep Application Project ( on the
MPDCon page:

The GAP Team

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