Le modérateur de la liste Internet Fiesta 5th - Expatriation today (address@hidden) vous envoie le message de bienvenue suivant:
Tut Y Tam ? Internet Fiesta 5th Edition from March 17th to 23rd 2003 theme Expatriation today Since the beginning of the Internet adventure, the web has continued to be the favoured link between expatriated communities. Through forums, chat rooms and specialised web sites, communities have formed according to their cultural affinities. Today the world wide web is the main communication stream between members of these communities. The Internet allows individuals living abroad to stay in touch with their culture, their language and to recreate a cultural space which puts a specific emphasis on their particuliar identities. We would like to invite you to be a part of the Weavers human network. There is neither adhesion fee nor any other kind of payment involved. The fact of being a weaver only commits you to be enthusiastic, to use the Internet and to help in anyway you can, to the success of the Fiesta and to interactive communication development. To be a weaver is to favour international exchanges and the circulation of culture. It means also to incite, to mobilise and to lead, by all means of action or communication one or several multi disciplinary events or to generate, support and promote such an event. All this in order to attract a larger and more diverse audience and to shorten the distances between individuals or organisations who wish to be help each other. Each new weaver enforces a even greater network of skills, means and intelligence so constituted, across every border. On the main frame, the Internet Fiesta Portal, links lead to weavers, every weaver must then, as a fair exchange, install a link to Internet Fiesta, the ?public place?. To subscribe as a weaver, please fill the form at: http://www.tutytam.org/2003/english/form-tejedores.html
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Votre équipe domeus