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Re: [Jailkit-users] Writing from an non-jailed account to a jailed one.

From: Olivier Sessink
Subject: Re: [Jailkit-users] Writing from an non-jailed account to a jailed one.
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 08:06:40 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060619)

ddreggors wrote:
> This topic has been in-valuable as I have been fighting this problem as
> well. I have another issue on this line of topic though. 
> I have done as you suggested below but still when I upload a file to the
> upload folder in the jailed user's home (I named it upload instead of
> project1) I still have a slight issue. The file creation mode is set as
> follows:
> _rwxr_xr_x
> Which does not give the group write permissions. I now have to manually
> chmod to g+w to get the other non-jailed user who is also in the jailed
> users group to have access to move this file and change permissions on it.
> How can I permanently set the file creation mask to say 002  rather than
> 022?
>  Thank you for your help in advance,

in the current cvs snapshot, if you use jk_lsh as shell, you can set the
umask (option 'umask = 002' in jk_lsh.ini inside the jail). If you use
bash you can set the umask in .bashrc or .bash_profile.


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