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Re: [Jailkit-users] Executing a plugin outside of jail as jailed user

From: Olivier Sessink
Subject: Re: [Jailkit-users] Executing a plugin outside of jail as jailed user
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 16:57:11 +0200
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On 01-08-17 20:56, Jack Torres (AdmiralApricot) wrote:

I’m trying to allow a jailed user to execute a plugin located outside of the jail and receive the output in jail. Since the jailed user can’t see out of jail, I copied the plugin (jk_cp) into the jail. However, when I execute this copied plugin in jail, it seems to be unable to generate any metrics (it’s the check_disk plugin from Nagios). Here’s what I see:

I guess that the check_disk plugin reads it's data from /proc and perhaps something from /etc/fstab, so it needs to access those data. You can use 'strace' to find out what the plugin needs.


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