On 09-01-19 20:12, John Pilkington
Hello again Olivier,
So I must be barking up the wrong tree because, further
to my previous email, I find that scp works properly. For
example from remote console:
PM_prefs_public.R 100% 11KB 11.2 Kb/s 00:00
The last tracefile exits with 0. The sftp last tracefile
exits with 4. So can I deduce that the problem with sftp
lies in the last few lines of the last tracefile: Clearly my
suggestion about the paths is incorrect since the same
lines appear in the scp tracefile:
that probably means that jk_lsh either fails to start sftp (for
example, it cannot find the sftp binary, or libraries needed by
sftp are missing), or it is not properly configured to allow the
start of the sftp (in <jail>/etc/jk_lsh.ini). Is there
anything in the logs from jk_lsh ? (you must have logging in the
jail for this to work!!! see jk_socketd!)
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