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[Javaweb-submit] You are a businessman and have no time for a long sexua

From: address@hidden
Subject: [Javaweb-submit] You are a businessman and have no time for a long sexual stimulation.
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 07:47:50 -0300

Soft Viagra tabs is for real men who have their own style.
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We have pre-reflexive intuitions about being and becoming, that we try to make precise in our sciences (see proposal I and II). Similarly, we have pre-reflexiv e intuitions about action. Every action is directed towards purposes, uses instruments and other means, transforms materials, departs from an initial state and runs through a series of intermediary stages (using information and energy) finally reaching results (that in success realise the purposes; that in failure do not realise them). Every action also produces non-intended and sometimes even counterproductive effects. A discipline, called "praxiology" by its initiators, tries to find the most general laws valid for all action. Value criteria for all action are rationality and efficiency. Praxiology intends to make a comparative study of rationality and efficiency research on the environment, on plants and animals, on human beings and on societies. charset="windows-1251" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="___.txt"
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