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Design Meeting 2022-03-04

From: Michael McMahon
Subject: Design Meeting 2022-03-04
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2022 11:39:51 -0500
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- Fixing the website branches
  - https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/js-shield/2022-02/msg00008.html
- Git cherry-picking takes just a commit bashed on the hash id and applies a commit from one branch to another branch.
    - git cherry-pick COMMITID
- Could potentially result in a conflict so watch out for merge conflicts. Most should be fine.
- See also.
- Website automation
- On the server, I made a new user with limited access to only the web directories. This user can pull updates from the repo in their home directory and rsync them over to the website. I can automate this part, but I was not sure how we wanted to automate the development pieces of it.
- Libreplanet conference is coming up Mar 19-20.
- It would be a good opportunity for one of us to give a 5 minute lightning talk introducing JShelter. Information about submitting a talk can be found at https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2022/Lightning_Talks
    - Could be a good opportunity for students as well.
  - Website with registration is https://libreplanet.org/2022/
- Manufactura Independente will be giving a talk Sunday Mar 20 10:25 - 11:10 EDT and Michael will be streaming this particular talk behind the scenes.

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