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JShelter meeting 2024-05-28

From: Michael McMahon
Subject: JShelter meeting 2024-05-28
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 11:37:53 -0400
User-agent: Icedove Mail

* Grants (Development/Design)
  * NLnet
    - Ongoing.
    - Next meeting we will reviewed the grant objectives again.
  * Open Technology Fund
  * Be on the lookout for other grant opportunities.

* Manifest V3 (Development)
  * Transferring the Chrome account worked.
  * Should we do the same for Mozilla? Sure.
* We will lose the badge in a few days if we are not MV3 compatible. https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/js-shield/2024-05/msg00006.html
    - We should upload the minimal version soon.
- With parameters, some wrappers will work and some will not with work. We will make a complete list once we are closer to release.

* Localization or Internationalization (i18n) (Development/Design)
  * Mostly automated the pipeline.
- We could create a webhook or run a script once automatically when a commit happens. - Checkout out the cronjob that runs every minute: jshelter.org:/etc/cron.d/update-jshelterstatic which points to /usr/local/bin/deploy_script.sh file.

* Next meeting (Development/Design)
  * Meetings repeat every two weeks.
  * Next development meeting: June 11th
  * Next design meeting: June 25th (Very important meeting)

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