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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha Install.pm,,

From: Steve Tonnesen
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha Install.pm,,
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 08:57:21 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19859

Modified Files:
      Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Installer now works with a blank mysql root password, although it warns that
the password should be set.

Also fixes a bug where branchcodes that didn't contain any uppercase letters
were getting est to blank.  It now allows all letters or numbers, and will
default to "DEF" if blank.

Index: Install.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/Attic/Install.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.1.2.22 -r1.1.2.23
*** Install.pm  6 Dec 2002 21:53:06 -0000
--- Install.pm  9 Dec 2002 16:57:19 -0000
*** 643,647 ****
        until (-f $choice) {
            $choice=showmessage($message, "free", 1);
!           unless (-f $choice) {
                showmessage(getmessage('NotAFile', [$choice]),'PressEnter', '', 
--- 643,649 ----
        until (-f $choice) {
            $choice=showmessage($message, "free", 1);
!           if (-f $choice) {
!               $::realhttpdconf=$choice;
!           } else {
                showmessage(getmessage('NotAFile', [$choice]),'PressEnter', '', 
*** 662,666 ****
!     open (HTTPDCONF, $::realhttpdconf) or warn "Insufficient privileges to 
open $::realhttpdconf for reading.\n";
      while (<HTTPDCONF>) {
        if (/^\s*User\s+"?([-\w]+)"?\s*$/) {
--- 664,672 ----
!     unless (open (HTTPDCONF, $::realhttpdconf)) {
!       warn "Insufficient privileges to open $::realhttpdconf for reading.\n";
!       sleep 4;
!     }
      while (<HTTPDCONF>) {
        if (/^\s*User\s+"?([-\w]+)"?\s*$/) {
*** 1110,1113 ****
--- 1116,1131 ----
  $messages->{'PrinterQueue'}->{en}="Printer Queue [%s]: ";
  $messages->{'PrinterName'}->{en}="Printer Name [%s]: ";
+ $messages->{'BlankMysqlPassword'}->{en}=qq|
+ ========================
+ = Blank MySql Password =
+ ========================
+ Do not leave your MySql root password blank unless you know exactly what you
+ are doing.  To change your MySql root password use the mysqladmin command:
+ mysqladmin password NEWPASSWORDHERE
+ Press <ENTER> to continue: 
+ |;
  sub databasesetup {
*** 1147,1154 ****
        $::mysqlpass_quoted = $::mysqlpass;
        $::mysqlpass_quoted =~ s/"/\\"/g;
!       my $result=system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysqladmin -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" proc > /dev/null 2>&1");
        if ($result) {
            print getmessage('InvalidMysqlRootPassword');
        } else {
--- 1165,1177 ----
        $::mysqlpass_quoted = $::mysqlpass;
        $::mysqlpass_quoted =~ s/"/\\"/g;
!       $::mysqlpass_quoted="-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\"";
!       $::mysqlpass eq '' and $::mysqlpass_quoted='';
!       my $result=system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysqladmin -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted proc > /dev/null 2>&1");
        if ($result) {
            print getmessage('InvalidMysqlRootPassword');
        } else {
+           if ($::mysqlpass eq '') {
+               showmessage(getmessage('BlankMysqlPassword'), 'PressEnter');
+           }
*** 1162,1170 ****
      } else {
        # Populate the Koha database
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
$::dbname < koha.mysql");
        # Set up permissions
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
mysql -e \"insert into user (Host,User,Password) values 
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
mysql -e \"insert into db 
 index_priv, alter_priv) values 
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysqladmin -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" reload");
--- 1185,1193 ----
      } else {
        # Populate the Koha database
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname < koha.mysql");
        # Set up permissions
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted mysql 
-e \"insert into user (Host,User,Password) values 
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted mysql 
-e \"insert into db 
 index_priv, alter_priv) values 
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysqladmin -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
*** 1190,1199 ****
      if ($response =~/^y/i) {
        system("gunzip sampledata-1.2.gz");
!       system("cat sampledata-1.2 | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" $::dbname");
        system("gzip -9 sampledata-1.2");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -\"p$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branches (branchcode,branchname,issuing) values 
('MAIN', 'Main Library', 1)\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" 
$::dbname -e \"insert into printers (printername,printqueue,printtype) values 
('Circulation Desk Printer', 'lp', 'hp')\"");
        showmessage(getmessage('SampleDataInstalled'), 'PressEnter','',1);
      } else {
--- 1213,1222 ----
      if ($response =~/^y/i) {
        system("gunzip sampledata-1.2.gz");
!       system("cat sampledata-1.2 | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
        system("gzip -9 sampledata-1.2");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branches (branchcode,branchname,issuing) values 
('MAIN', 'Main Library', 1)\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into printers (printername,printqueue,printtype) values 
('Circulation Desk Printer', 'lp', 'hp')\"");
        showmessage(getmessage('SampleDataInstalled'), 'PressEnter','',1);
      } else {
*** 1203,1207 ****
        unless ($response =~/^n/i) {
            my $branch='Main Library';
-           print "Enter a name for the library branch [$branch]: ";
            $branch=showmessage(getmessage('BranchName', [$branch]), 'free', 
$branch, 1);
--- 1226,1229 ----
*** 1212,1222 ****
            $branchcode=showmessage(getmessage('BranchCode', [$branchcode]), 
'free', $branchcode, 1);
!           $branchcode=~s/[^A-Z]//g;
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" $::dbname -e \"insert into branches 
(branchcode,branchname,issuing) values ('$branchcode', '$branch', 1)\"");
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations 
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations 
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
            my $printername='Library Printer';
--- 1234,1245 ----
            $branchcode=showmessage(getmessage('BranchCode', [$branchcode]), 
'free', $branchcode, 1);
!           $branchcode=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
+           $branchcode || $branchcode='DEF';
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branches (branchcode,branchname,issuing) values 
('$branchcode', '$branch', 1)\"");
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
            my $printername='Library Printer';
*** 1227,1231 ****
[$printerqueue]), 'free', $printerqueue, 1);
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
-p\"$::mysqlpass_quoted\" $::dbname -e \"insert into printers 
(printername,printqueue,printtype) values ('$printername', '$printerqueue', 
--- 1250,1254 ----
[$printerqueue]), 'free', $printerqueue, 1);
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into printers (printername,printqueue,printtype) values 
('$printername', '$printerqueue', '')\"");

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