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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc installer.pl,1.5,1.6 Install.pm,1.1,1.2

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc installer.pl,1.5,1.6 Install.pm,1.1,1.2
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 02:30:18 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv14748/misc

Modified Files:
        installer.pl Install.pm 
Log Message:
bugfixes + language selection during install
road to 1.3.3

Index: installer.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/installer.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** installer.pl        12 Dec 2002 21:40:40 -0000      1.5
--- installer.pl        20 Dec 2002 10:30:15 -0000      1.6
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,16 ----
  use strict; # please develop with the strict pragma
+ use vars qw( $input );
+ $::domainname = `hostname -d`;
+ chomp $::domainname;
+ $::etcdir = '/etc';
  unless ($< == 0) {
*** 31,36 ****
! if (-e "/etc/koha.conf") {
!     $::installedversion=`grep kohaversion= /etc/koha.conf`;
      chomp $::installedversion;
--- 36,43 ----
! checkabortedinstall();
! if (-e "$::etcdir/koha.conf") {
!     $::installedversion=`grep kohaversion= $::etcdir/koha.conf`;
      chomp $::installedversion;
*** 43,47 ****
!     my $message=getmessage('KohaAlreadyInstalled', [$::kohaversion, 
      showmessage($message, 'none');
--- 50,54 ----
!     my $message=getmessage('KohaAlreadyInstalled', [$::etcdir, 
$::kohaversion, $installedversionmsg]);
      showmessage($message, 'none');
*** 57,64 ****
      } else {
      print qq|
! This installer currently does not support a completely automated 
! Please be sure to read the documentation, or visit the Koha website 
  at http://www.koha.org for more information.
--- 64,71 ----
      } else {
      print qq|
! This installer currently does not support a completely automated
! Please be sure to read the documentation, or visit the Koha website
  at http://www.koha.org for more information.
*** 66,75 ****
- my $input;
- $::domainname = `hostname -d`;
- chomp $::domainname;
- $::etcdir = '/etc';
  # Check for missing Perl Modules
--- 73,76 ----
*** 92,95 ****
--- 93,102 ----
+ updatedatabase();
+ updatemarc();
+ populatedatabase();
*** 100,108 ****
! updatedatabase();
! populatedatabase();
! showmessage(getmessage('AuthenticationWarning'), 'PressEnter');
--- 107,111 ----
! showmessage(getmessage('AuthenticationWarning', [$::etcdir]), 'PressEnter');
*** 112,118 ****
! my $reply=showmessage('Would you like to complete a survey about your 
library?', 'yn', 'y');
! if ($reply=~/y/i) {
!     system("perl kohareporter");
--- 115,122 ----
! if (-f "kohareporter") {
!     my $reply=showmessage('Would you like to complete a survey about your 
library?', 'yn', 'y');
!     if ($reply=~/y/i) {
!       system("perl kohareporter");
!     }

Index: Install.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/Install.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1 -r1.2
*** Install.pm  12 Dec 2002 21:40:39 -0000      1.1
--- Install.pm  20 Dec 2002 10:30:15 -0000      1.2
*** 59,63 ****
  Enter at the prompt.
! Please be sure to read the documentation, or visit the Koha website at 
  http://www.koha.org for more information.
--- 59,63 ----
  Enter at the prompt.
! Please be sure to read the documentation, or visit the Koha website at
  http://www.koha.org for more information.
*** 199,204 ****
! Be sure to read the INSTALL, and Hints files. 
  For more information visit http://www.koha.org
--- 199,203 ----
! Be sure to read the INSTALL, and Hints files.
  For more information visit http://www.koha.org
*** 227,231 ****
      my $message = getmessage('CheckingPerlModules');
      showmessage($message, 'none');
      unless (eval "require 5.006_000") {
        die getmessage('PerlVersionFailure', ['5.6.0']);
--- 226,230 ----
      my $message = getmessage('CheckingPerlModules');
      showmessage($message, 'none');
      unless (eval "require 5.006_000") {
        die getmessage('PerlVersionFailure', ['5.6.0']);
*** 240,244 ****
      unless (eval {require Digest::MD5})       { push @missing,"Digest::MD5" };
      unless (eval {require MARC::Record})       { push @missing,"MARC::Record" 
!     unless (eval {require Net::Z3950})        { 
        my $message = getmessage('NETZ3950Missing');
        showmessage($message, 'PressEnter', '', 1);
--- 239,243 ----
      unless (eval {require Digest::MD5})       { push @missing,"Digest::MD5" };
      unless (eval {require MARC::Record})       { push @missing,"MARC::Record" 
!     unless (eval {require Net::Z3950})        {
        my $message = getmessage('NETZ3950Missing');
        showmessage($message, 'PressEnter', '', 1);
*** 296,300 ****
  The Koha scripts will _not_ work without a symlink from %s to /usr/bin/perl
! May I create this symlink? ([Y]/N): 
  : |;
--- 295,299 ----
  The Koha scripts will _not_ work without a symlink from %s to /usr/bin/perl
! May I create this symlink? ([Y]/N):
  : |;
*** 1213,1216 ****
--- 1212,1226 ----
  Choose MARC definition [1]: |;
+ $messages->{'Language'}->{en}=qq|
+ ====================
+ ====================
+ This version of koha supports a few languages.
+ Enter you languages preferences : either en, fr or es.
+ Note that the en is always choosen when the system does not finds the
+ language you choose in a specific screen.
+ fr : opac is translated (except pictures)
+ es : a few intranet is translated (including pictures)
+ |;
  sub updatedatabase {
*** 1224,1237 ****
      if ($response == 1) {
!       system("cat script/misc/marc_datas/marc21_en/structure_def.sql | 
$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $dbname");
      if ($response == 2) {
!       system("cat scripts/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr/structure_def.sql | 
$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $dbname");
!       system("cat scripts/misc/lang-datas/fr/stopwords.sql | 
$mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$mysqluser -p$mysqlpass $dbname");
!     system ("perl -I $kohadir/modules scripts/marc/updatedb2marc.pl");
      print "\n\nFinished updating database. Press <ENTER> to continue...";
--- 1234,1247 ----
      if ($response == 1) {
!       system("cat script/misc/marc_datas/marc21_en/structure_def.sql | 
$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p$::mysqlpass $::dbname");
      if ($response == 2) {
!       system("cat scripts/misc/marc_datas/unimarc_fr/structure_def.sql | 
$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p$::mysqlpass $::dbname");
!       system("cat scripts/misc/lang-datas/fr/stopwords.sql | 
$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser -p$::mysqlpass $::dbname");
!     system ("perl -I $::kohadir/modules scripts/marc/updatedb2marc.pl");
      print "\n\nFinished updating database. Press <ENTER> to continue...";
*** 1239,1286 ****
  sub populatedatabase {
!     my $response=showmessage(getmessage('SampleData'), 'yn', 'n');
!     if ($response =~/^y/i) {
!       system("gunzip sampledata-1.2.gz");
!       system("cat sampledata-1.2 | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
!       system("gzip -9 sampledata-1.2");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branches (branchcode,branchname,issuing) values 
('MAIN', 'Main Library', 1)\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
!       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into printers (printername,printqueue,printtype) values 
('Circulation Desk Printer', 'lp', 'hp')\"");
!       showmessage(getmessage('SampleDataInstalled'), 'PressEnter','',1);
!     } else {
!       my $input;
!       my $response=showmessage(getmessage('AddBranchPrinter'), 'yn', 'y');
!       unless ($response =~/^n/i) {
!           my $branch='Main Library';
!           $branch=showmessage(getmessage('BranchName', [$branch]), 'free', 
$branch, 1);
!           $branch=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]//g;
!           my $branchcode=$branch;
!           $branchcode=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
!           $branchcode=uc($branchcode);
!           $branchcode=substr($branchcode,0,4);
!           $branchcode=showmessage(getmessage('BranchCode', [$branchcode]), 
'free', $branchcode, 1);
!           $branchcode=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
!           $branchcode=uc($branchcode);
!           $branchcode=substr($branchcode,0,4);
!           $branchcode or $branchcode='DEF';
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branches (branchcode,branchname,issuing) values 
('$branchcode', '$branch', 1)\"");
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations (branchcode,categorycode) values 
('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
!           my $printername='Library Printer';
!           $printername=showmessage(getmessage('PrinterName', [$printername]), 
'free', $printername, 1);
!           $printername=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]//g;
!           my $printerqueue='lp';
!           $printerqueue=showmessage(getmessage('PrinterQueue', 
[$printerqueue]), 'free', $printerqueue, 1);
!           $printerqueue=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
!           system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"insert into printers (printername,printqueue,printtype) values 
('$printername', '$printerqueue', '')\"");
-     }
--- 1249,1297 ----
  sub populatedatabase {
!       my $response=showmessage(getmessage('SampleData'), 'yn', 'n');
!       if ($response =~/^y/i) {
!               system("gunzip sampledata-1.2.gz");
!               system("cat sampledata-1.2 | $::mysqldir/bin/mysql 
-u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname");
!               system("gzip -9 sampledata-1.2");
!               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branches 
(branchcode,branchname,issuing) values ('MAIN', 'Main Library', 1)\"");
!               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations 
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
!               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations 
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
!               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into printers 
(printername,printqueue,printtype) values ('Circulation Desk Printer', 'lp', 
!               showmessage(getmessage('SampleDataInstalled'), 
!       } else {
!               my $input;
!               my $response=showmessage(getmessage('AddBranchPrinter'), 'yn', 
+               unless ($response =~/^n/i) {
+               my $branch='Main Library';
+               $branch=showmessage(getmessage('BranchName', [$branch]), 
'free', $branch, 1);
+               $branch=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]//g;
+               my $branchcode=$branch;
+               $branchcode=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
+               $branchcode=uc($branchcode);
+               $branchcode=substr($branchcode,0,4);
+               $branchcode=showmessage(getmessage('BranchCode', 
[$branchcode]), 'free', $branchcode, 1);
+               $branchcode=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
+               $branchcode=uc($branchcode);
+               $branchcode=substr($branchcode,0,4);
+               $branchcode or $branchcode='DEF';
+               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branches 
(branchcode,branchname,issuing) values ('$branchcode', '$branch', 1)\"");
+               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations 
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'IS')\"");
+               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into branchrelations 
(branchcode,categorycode) values ('MAIN', 'CU')\"");
+               my $printername='Library Printer';
+               $printername=showmessage(getmessage('PrinterName', 
[$printername]), 'free', $printername, 1);
+               $printername=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9\s]//g;
+               my $printerqueue='lp';
+               $printerqueue=showmessage(getmessage('PrinterQueue', 
[$printerqueue]), 'free', $printerqueue, 1);
+               $printerqueue=~s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
+               system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser 
$::mysqlpass_quoted $::dbname -e \"insert into printers 
(printername,printqueue,printtype) values ('$printername', '$printerqueue', 
+               }
+       my $language=showmessage(getmessage('Language'), 'free', 'en');
+       system("$::mysqldir/bin/mysql -u$::mysqluser $::mysqlpass_quoted 
$::dbname -e \"update systempreferences set value='$language' where 

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