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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/z3950/server zed-koha-server.pl,1.4,1.5

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/z3950/server zed-koha-server.pl,1.4,1.5
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 07:37:17 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/z3950/server
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16867/z3950/server

Modified Files:
Log Message:
synch'ing 2.2 and head

Index: zed-koha-server.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/z3950/server/zed-koha-server.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** zed-koha-server.pl  3 Jun 2004 01:48:19 -0000       1.4
--- zed-koha-server.pl  20 Jun 2005 14:37:15 -0000      1.5
*** 58,62 ****
  use C4::Biblio;
  use strict;
! my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
  my @bib_list;         ## Stores the list of biblionumbers in a query 
                        ## I should eventually move this to different scope
--- 58,62 ----
  use C4::Biblio;
  use strict;
! # my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
  my @bib_list;         ## Stores the list of biblionumbers in a query 
                        ## I should eventually move this to different scope
*** 86,89 ****
--- 86,90 ----
  sub run_query {               ## Run the query and store the biblionumbers: 
        my ($sql_query, $query, $args) = @_;
+               my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
                my $sth_get = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query");
*** 145,149 ****
                print "The query was:\n";        
                print "$query\n";
!               my $sql_query = "SELECT marc_biblio.bibid FROM marc_biblio 
RIGHT JOIN biblio ON marc_biblio.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber WHERE 
biblio.isbn LIKE ?";
                &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
--- 146,150 ----
                print "The query was:\n";        
                print "$query\n";
!               my $sql_query = "SELECT marc_biblio.bibid FROM marc_biblio 
RIGHT JOIN biblioitems ON marc_biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber 
WHERE biblioitems.isbn LIKE ?";
                &run_query($sql_query, $query, $args);
*** 269,392 ****
          $offset -= 1;                   ## because $args->{OFFSET} 1 = record 
          chomp (my $bibid = $bib_list[$offset]); ## Not sure about this
!                 ## print "the bibid is:$bibid\n";
!                 my $MARCRecord = &MARCgetbiblio($dbh,$bibid);
!                 my $recordstring=$MARCRecord->as_usmarc();
!                 ## print "here is my record: $recordstring\n";
!               ## Troubleshooting:
!               ## use Data::Dumper;
!               ## Dumper $recordstring;
!               ## open (MARC, ">/root/marc.dump");
!                 ## print MARC "$recordstring";
!               ## close MARC;
!               ## Convert from 852/4 to 952:
!               ## 942a --> 852a  Organization code
!               ## 952b --> 852b  Home branch
!               ## 942k --> 852h  Classification
!               ## 952p --> 852p  Barcode
! my $record = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($recordstring);
!     my @fields942 = $record->field('942');
!     my $field842 = $fields942[0];
!       my ($field952, $sub852a, $sub852k, $sub852b, $sub852p, $sub852h);
! ## while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
!   ##  my @fields942 = $record->field('942');
!   ##  my $field842 = $fields942[0];
!   ##     #grab first 942 (only need one, they are same for all items)
!   ##  my $sub852a = ($field842->subfield('a') || '');
!   ##  my $sub852h = ($field842->subfield('k') || '');
!   ##  my @fields952 = $record->field('952');
!   ##  foreach my $field952 (@fields952) {   #get all 952s
!   ##      my $sub852b = ($field952->subfield('b') || '');
!   ##      my $sub852p = ($field952->subfield('p') || '');
! #grab first 942 (only need one, they are same for all items)
!       unless (! $field952){
!               $sub852a = ($field952->subfield('a') || '') ;
! }
!       unless (! $field952){ #->subfield('k')) { 
!               $sub852k = ($field952->subfield('k') || '') ;
! }
!     my @fields952 = $record->field('952');
!     foreach my $field952 (@fields952) {   #get all 952s
!         unless (! $field952) { #->subfield('b')) { 
!               $sub852b = ($field952->subfield('b') || '') ;
! } 
!  unless (! $field952) { #->subfield('p')) { 
!               $sub852p = ($field952->subfield('p') || '') ;
! }
!      #make it one big happy family
!         my $new852 = MARC::Field->new(
!                                       852,'','',
!                                       'a' => $sub852a,
!                                     'b' => $sub852b,
!                                       'h' => $sub852h,
!                                       'p' => $sub852p,
!                                       );
!         $record->append_fields($new852);
! }
! my $recordstringdone = $record->as_usmarc();
                ## Set the REP_FORM
!               $args->{REP_FORM} = &Net::Z3950::OID::usmarc;
                ## Return the record string to the client 
!               $args->{RECORD} = $recordstringdone;
- # That's all folks!
- # 
- sub fetch_handler_old {
-       my ($args) = @_;        
-       # warn "in fetch_handler";      ## troubleshooting
-       my $offset = $args->{OFFSET};
-       $offset -= 1;                   ## because $args->{OFFSET} 1 = record #1
-       chomp (my $bibid = $bib_list[$offset]); ## Not sure about this
-         my $sql_query = "SELECT tag, subfieldcode, subfieldvalue FROM 
marc_subfield_table where bibid=?";
-       my $sth_get = $dbh->prepare("$sql_query");
-         $sth_get->execute($bibid);
-       ## create a MARC::Record object 
-         my $rec = MARC::Record->new();
-       ## create the fields
-         while (my @data=$sth_get->fetchrow_array) {
-               my $tag = $data[0];
-                       my $subfieldcode = $data[1];
-               my $subfieldvalue = $data[2];
-               my $field = MARC::Field->new(
-                                                 $tag,'','',
-                                                 $subfieldcode => 
-                                           );
-               $rec->append_fields($field);
-               ## build the marc string and put into $record         
-               my $tmp_record = $rec->as_usmarc();
-               my $reclen = length $tmp_record;
-               my $baseaddr = "$reclen + dirlen";
- #             set_leader_lengths($reclen,$baseaddr);
-               my $record = $rec->as_usmarc();         
-               $args->{RECORD} = $record;
-       }
- }
  ## This stuff doesn't work yet...I should include boolean searching someday
  ## though
--- 270,287 ----
          $offset -= 1;                   ## because $args->{OFFSET} 1 = record 
          chomp (my $bibid = $bib_list[$offset]); ## Not sure about this
!                               ## print "the bibid is:$bibid\n";
!                               my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
!                               my $MARCRecord = &MARCgetbiblio($dbh,$bibid);
!                               $MARCRecord->leader('     nac  22     1u 4500');
                ## Set the REP_FORM
!               $args->{REP_FORM} = &Net::Z3950::OID::unimarc;
                ## Return the record string to the client 
!                       $args->{RECORD} = $MARCRecord->as_usmarc();
! #             $args->{RECORD} = $recordstringdone;
  ## This stuff doesn't work yet...I should include boolean searching someday
  ## though

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