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[Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc/migration_tools buildLANG.pl,1.1,1.2 bulkmarci

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-cvs] CVS: koha/misc/migration_tools buildLANG.pl,1.1,1.2 bulkmarcimport.pl,1.1,1.2
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 07:14:56 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/migration_tools
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21734/misc/migration_tools

Modified Files:
        buildLANG.pl bulkmarcimport.pl 
Log Message:
synch'ing 2.2 and head

Index: buildLANG.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/migration_tools/buildLANG.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1 -r1.2
*** buildLANG.pl        3 Jan 2005 12:59:49 -0000       1.1
--- buildLANG.pl        4 Aug 2005 14:14:52 -0000       1.2
*** 43,47 ****
   ./buildLANG -d -s "('101a','101b')"
! ;#
--- 43,47 ----
   ./buildLANG -d -s "('101a','101b')"
! ;#/
*** 60,63 ****
--- 60,68 ----
        'ger' => 'allemand',
        'eng' => 'anglais',
+       'afr' => 'afrikaans',
+       'akk' => 'akkadien',
+       'amh' => 'amharique',
+       'ang' => 'anglo-saxon (ca. 450-1100)',
+       'arc' => 'araméen',
        'ara' => 'arabe',
        'arm' => 'arménien',
*** 68,99 ****
        'cat' => 'catalan',
        'chi' => 'chinois',
        'cro' => 'croate',
        'dan' => 'danois',
        'spa' => 'espagnol',
        'esp' => 'espéranto',
        'fin' => 'finnois',
        'fra' => 'français ancien',
        'fre' => 'français',
!       'wel' => 'gallois',
        'grc' => 'grec classique',
        'gre' => 'grec moderne',
        'heb' => 'hébreu',
        'hun' => 'hongrois',
        'ita' => 'italien',
        'jap' => 'japonais',
        'lat' => 'latin',
!       'dut' => 'néerlandais',
        'nor' => 'norvégien',
        'pol' => 'polonais',
        'por' => 'portugais',
        'rum' => 'roumain',
        'rus' => 'russe',
        'ser' => 'serbe',
        'swe' => 'suedois',
!       'cze' => 'tchèque',
        'tur' => 'turc',
        'ukr' => 'ukraine',
!       'slo' => 'slovène',
!       'scr' => 'serbo-croate',
        ) if $language eq 'fr';
--- 73,131 ----
        'cat' => 'catalan',
        'chi' => 'chinois',
+       'cop' => 'copte',
        'cro' => 'croate',
+       'cze' => 'tchèque',
        'dan' => 'danois',
+       'dum' => 'néerlandais moyen (ca. 1050-1350)',
+       'dut' => 'néerlandais',
        'spa' => 'espagnol',
+       'egy' => 'egyptien',
        'esp' => 'espéranto',
        'fin' => 'finnois',
        'fra' => 'français ancien',
        'fre' => 'français',
!       'frm' => 'français moyen (ca. 1400-1600)',
!       'fro' => 'français ancien (842-ca. 1400)',
!       'gmh' => 'allemand, moyen haut (ca. 1050-1500)',
!       'got' => 'gothique',
        'grc' => 'grec classique',
        'gre' => 'grec moderne',
        'heb' => 'hébreu',
+       'hin' => 'hindi',
        'hun' => 'hongrois',
+       'ind' => 'indonésien',
+       'ine' => 'indo-européennes, autres',
        'ita' => 'italien',
        'jap' => 'japonais',
+       'jpn' => 'japonais',
+       'kor' => 'coréen',
+       'lan' => 'occitan (post 1500)',
        'lat' => 'latin',
!       'map' => 'malayo-polynésiennes, autres',
!       'mla' => 'malgache',
!       'nic' => 'nigéro-congolaises, autres',
        'nor' => 'norvégien',
+       'per' => 'persan',
+       'pro' => 'provencal ancien (jusqu\'à 1500)',
        'pol' => 'polonais',
        'por' => 'portugais',
+       'rom' => 'tzigane',
        'rum' => 'roumain',
        'rus' => 'russe',
+       'sam' => 'samaritain',
+       'san' => 'sanskrit',
+       'scr' => 'serbo-croate',
+       'sem' => 'sémitique, autres langues',
        'ser' => 'serbe',
+       'sla' => 'slave, autres langues',
+       'slo' => 'slovène',
+       'syr' => 'syriaque',
        'swe' => 'suedois',
!       'tib' => 'tibétain',
        'tur' => 'turc',
+       'uga' => 'ougaritique',
        'ukr' => 'ukraine',
!       'wel' => 'gallois',
!       'yid' => 'yiddish',
        ) if $language eq 'fr';

Index: bulkmarcimport.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1 -r1.2
*** bulkmarcimport.pl   3 Jan 2005 15:25:50 -0000       1.1
--- bulkmarcimport.pl   4 Aug 2005 14:14:53 -0000       1.2
*** 83,86 ****
--- 83,87 ----
      ## create an empty record object to populate
      my $newRecord = MARC::Record->new();
+       $newRecord->leader($record->leader());
      # go through each field in the existing record

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