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[Koha-cvs] koha/reports stats.screen.pl stats.print.pl
From: |
Chris Cormack |
Subject: |
[Koha-cvs] koha/reports stats.screen.pl stats.print.pl |
Date: |
Wed, 07 Jun 2006 01:40:03 +0000 |
CVSROOT: /sources/koha
Module name: koha
Changes by: Chris Cormack <rangi> 06/06/07 01:40:03
Added files:
reports : stats.screen.pl stats.print.pl
Log message:
Scripts written by Bob and Mason to do daily til/cash reconciliation
for librarybranches
Index: stats.screen.pl
RCS file: stats.screen.pl
diff -N stats.screen.pl
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ stats.screen.pl 7 Jun 2006 01:40:03 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use C4::Output;
+use HTML::Template;
+use C4::Auth;
+use C4::Interface::CGI::Output;
+use C4::Context;
+use Date::Manip;
+use C4::Stats;
+use Data::Dumper;
+&Date_Init("DateFormat=non-US"); # set non-USA date, eg:19/08/2005
+my $input=new CGI;
+my $time=$input->param('time');
+my $time2=$input->param('time2');
+if($input->param('submit') eq "To Excel" || $input->param('submit_x') eq "To
+ print
+my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie)
+ = get_template_and_user({template_name => "stats_screen.tmpl",
+ query => $input,
+ type => "intranet",
+ authnotrequired => 1,
+ flagsrequired => {borrowers => 1},
+ debug => 1,
+ });
+my $date;
+my $date2;
+if ($time eq 'yesterday'){
+ $date=ParseDate('yesterday');
+ $date2=ParseDate('today');
+if ($time eq 'today'){
+ $date=ParseDate('today');
+ $date2=ParseDate('tomorrow');
+if ($time eq 'daybefore'){
+ $date=ParseDate('2 days ago');
+ $date2=ParseDate('yesterday');
+if ($time eq 'month') {
+ $date = ParseDate('1 month ago');
+ $date2 = ParseDate('today');
+if ($time=~ /\//){
+ $date=ParseDate($time);
+ $date2=ParseDateDelta('+ 1 day');
+ $date2=DateCalc($date,$date2);
+# if time is blank
+if ($time eq ''){
+ $date=ParseDate('today');
+ $date2=ParseDate('tomorrow');
+# if script is called with a start and finsh date range...
+if ($time ne '' && $time2 ne ''){
+ $date=ParseDate($time);
+ $date2=ParseDate($time2);
+my $date=UnixDate($date,'%Y-%m-%d');
+my $date2=UnixDate($date2,'%Y-%m-%d');
+# warn "MASON: TIME: $time, $time2";
+# warn "MASON: DATE: $date, $date2";
+# get a list of every payment
+my @payments=TotalPaid($date,$date2,0);
+my address@hidden;
+# print "MASON: number of payments=$count\n";
+my $i=0;
+my $totalcharges=0;
+my $totalcredits=0;
+my $totalpaid=0;
+my $totalwritten=0;
+my @loop1;
+my @loop2;
+# lets get a a list of all individual item charges paid for by that payment
+while ($i<$count ){
+ my $count;
+ my @charges;
+ if ($payments[$i]{'type'} ne 'writeoff'){
+# warn Dumper $payments[$i];
+ @charges=getcharges($payments[$i]{'borrowernumber'},
$payments[$i]{'timestamp'}, $payments[$i]{'proccode'});
+ $totalcharges++;
+ address@hidden;
+ # getting each of the charges and putting them into a array to be
printed out
+ #this loops per charge per person
+ for (my $i2=0;$i2<$count;$i2++){
+ my $hour=substr($payments[$i]{'timestamp'},8,2);
+ my $min=substr($payments[$i]{'timestamp'},10,2);
+ my $sec=substr($payments[$i]{'timestamp'},12,2);
+ my $time="$hour:$min:$sec";
+ my $time2="$payments[$i]{'date'}";
+# my
+ my $branch=$payments[$i]{'branch'};
+# if ($payments[$i]{'borrowernumber'} == 18265){
+# warn "$payments[$i]{'branch'} $branch
+# }
+ # lets build up a row
+ my %rows1 = (branch => $branch,
+ datetime => $payments[$i]->{'datetime'},
+ surname => $payments[$i]->{'surname'},
+ firstname => $payments[$i]->{'firstname'},
+ description => $charges[$i2]->{'description'},
+ accounttype => $charges[$i2]->{'accounttype'},
+ amount => sprintf("%.2f",
$charges[$i2]->{'amount'}), # rounding amounts to 2dp
+ type => $payments[$i]->{'type'},
+ value => sprintf("%.2f",
$payments[$i]->{'value'})); # rounding amounts to 2dp
+ push (@loop1, \%rows1);
+ $totalpaid = $totalpaid + $payments[$i]->{'value'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++$totalwritten;
+ }
+ $i++; #increment the while loop
+#get credits and append to the bottom of payments
+my @credits=getcredits($date,$date2);
+my address@hidden;
+my $i=0;
+while ($i<$count ){
+ my %rows2 = (creditbranch => $credits[$i]->{'branchcode'},
+ creditdate => $credits[$i]->{'date'},
+ creditsurname => $credits[$i]->{'surname'},
+ creditfirstname => $credits[$i]->{'firstname'},
+ creditdescription => $credits[$i]->{'description'},
+ creditaccounttype => $credits[$i]->{'accounttype'},
+ creditamount => sprintf("%.2f",
+ );
+ push (@loop2, \%rows2);
+ $totalcredits = $totalcredits + $credits[$i]->{'amount'};
+ $i++; #increment the while loop
+#takes off first char minus sign "-100.00"
+$totalcredits = substr($totalcredits, 1);
+my $totalrefunds=0;
+my @loop3;
+my @refunds=getrefunds($date,$date2);
+while ($i<$count ){
+ my %rows2 = (refundbranch => $refunds[$i]->{'branchcode'},
+ refunddate => $refunds[$i]->{'date'},
+ refundsurname => $refunds[$i]->{'surname'},
+ refundfirstname => $refunds[$i]->{'firstname'},
+ refunddescription => $refunds[$i]->{'description'},
+ refundaccounttype => $refunds[$i]->{'accounttype'},
+ refundamount => sprintf("%.2f",
+ );
+ push (@loop3, \%rows2);
+ $totalrefunds = $totalrefunds + $refunds[$i]->{'amount'};
+ $i++; #increment the while loop
+my $totalcash=$totalpaid-$totalrefunds;
+$template->param( date => $time,
+ date2 => $time2,
+ loop1 => address@hidden,
+ loop2 => address@hidden,
+ loop3 => address@hidden,
+ totalpaid => $totalpaid,
+ totalcredits => $totalcredits,
+ totalwritten => $totalwritten,
+ totalrefund => $totalrefunds,
+ totalcash => $totalcash);
+output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
Index: stats.print.pl
RCS file: stats.print.pl
diff -N stats.print.pl
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ stats.print.pl 7 Jun 2006 01:40:03 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use C4::Output;
+use HTML::Template;
+use C4::Auth;
+use C4::Interface::CGI::Output;
+use C4::Context;
+use Date::Manip;
+use C4::Stats;
+use Text::CSV_XS;
+&Date_Init("DateFormat=non-US"); # set non-USA date, eg:19/08/2005
+my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new(
+ {
+ 'quote_char' => '"',
+ 'escape_char' => '"',
+ 'sep_char' => ',',
+ 'binary' => 1
+ }
+my $input=new CGI;
+my $time=$input->param('time');
+my $time2=$input->param('time2');
+my @loop1;
+my @loop2;
+my $date;
+my $date2;
+if ($time eq 'yesterday'){
+ $date=ParseDate('yesterday');
+ $date2=ParseDate('today');
+if ($time eq 'today'){
+ $date=ParseDate('today');
+ $date2=ParseDate('tomorrow');
+if ($time eq 'daybefore'){
+ $date=ParseDate('2 days ago');
+ $date2=ParseDate('yesterday');
+if ($time eq 'month') {
+ $date = ParseDate('1 month ago');
+ $date2 = ParseDate('today');
+if ($time=~ /\//){
+ $date=ParseDate($time);
+ $date2=ParseDateDelta('+ 1 day');
+ $date2=DateCalc($date,$date2);
+if ($time eq ''){
+ $date=ParseDate('today');
+ $date2=ParseDate('tomorrow');
+if ($time2 ne ''){
+ $date=ParseDate($time);
+ $date2=ParseDate($time2);
+my $date=UnixDate($date,'%Y-%m-%d');
+my $date2=UnixDate($date2,'%Y-%m-%d');
+#warn "MASON: DATE: $date, $date2";
+#get a list of every payment
+my @payments=TotalPaid($date,$date2);
+my address@hidden;
+# print "MASON: number of payments=$count\n";
+my $i=0;
+my $totalcharges=0;
+my $totalcredits=0;
+my $totalpaid=0;
+my $totalwritten=0;
+# lets get a a list of all individual item charges paid for by that payment
+while ($i<$count ){
+ my $count;
+ my @charges;
+ if ($payments[$i]{'type'} ne 'writeoff'){ # lets ignore
writeoff payments!.
+ @charges=getcharges($payments[$i]{'borrowernumber'},
$payments[$i]{'timestamp'}, $payments[$i]{'proccode'});
+ $totalcharges++;
+ address@hidden;
+ # getting each of the charges and putting them into a array to be
printed out
+ #this loops per charge per person
+ for (my $i2=0;$i2<$count;$i2++){
+ my $hour=substr($payments[$i]{'timestamp'},8,2);
+ my $min=substr($payments[$i]{'timestamp'},10,2);
+ my $sec=substr($payments[$i]{'timestamp'},12,2);
+ my $time="$hour:$min:$sec";
+ my $time2="$payments[$i]{'date'}";
+# my
+ my $branch=$payments[$i]{'branch'};
+ my @rows1 = ($branch, # lets build up a row
+ $payments[$i]->{'datetime'},
+ $payments[$i]->{'surname'},
+ $payments[$i]->{'firstname'},
+ $charges[$i2]->{'description'},
+ $charges[$i2]->{'accounttype'},
+ # rounding amounts to 2dp and adding dollar sign to make excel read it as
currency format
+ "\$".sprintf("%.2f", $charges[$i2]->{'amount'}),
+ $payments[$i]->{'type'},
+ "\$".$payments[$i]->{'value'});
+ push (@loop1, address@hidden);
+ $totalpaid = $totalpaid + $payments[$i]->{'value'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ ++$totalwritten;
+ }
+ $i++; #increment the while loop
+#get credits and append to the bottom of payments
+my @credits=getcredits($date,$date2);
+my address@hidden;
+my $i=0;
+while ($i<$count ){
+ my @rows2 = ($credits[$i]->{'branchcode'},
+ $credits[$i]->{'date'},
+ $credits[$i]->{'surname'},
+ $credits[$i]->{'firstname'},
+ $credits[$i]->{'description'},
+ $credits[$i]->{'accounttype'},
+ "\$".$credits[$i]->{'amount'});
+ push (@loop2, address@hidden);
+ $totalcredits = $totalcredits + $credits[$i]->{'amount'};
+ $i++;
+#takes off first char minus sign "-100.00"
+$totalcredits = substr($totalcredits, 1);
+print $input->header(
+ -type => 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
+ -attachment => "stats.csv",
+print "Branch, Datetime, Surname, Firstnames, Description, Type, Invoice
amount, Payment type, Payment Amount\n";
+for my $row ( @loop1 ) {
+ $csv->combine(@$row);
+ my $string = $csv->string;
+ print $string, "\n";
+print ",,,,,,,\n";
+for my $row ( @loop2 ) {
+ $csv->combine(@$row);
+ my $string = $csv->string;
+ print $string, "\n";
+print ",,,,,,,\n";
+print ",,,,,,,\n";
+print ",,Total Amount Paid, $totalpaid\n";
+print ",,Total Number Written, $totalwritten\n";
+print ",,Total Amount Credits, $totalcredits\n";
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- [Koha-cvs] koha/reports stats.screen.pl stats.print.pl,
Chris Cormack <=