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Re: [Koha-devel] Also...

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Also...
Date: Sun Mar 3 13:32:07 2002

On Sun, 2002-03-03 at 11:43, Nicholas Rosasco wrote:
> Idly, besides MARC features, do we want to do a feature-request list, while
> you all are in the process of polishing and intergrating the MARC and other
> items?  I see the traffic on the various DB reorg/changes and am curious to
> know what else is on various wish lists.
> Since the faq is basically done, I can handle tracking that...

I think a big one, is a templating system. Im leaning towards using
axkit (axkit.org) at the moment.
If we get the templating set up right, it should make localisation and
customisation of koha a ton easier.

What other things do we want to put on the wishlist?

Steve .. perhaps something to do with the eduml idea?

Chris Cormack                                               Programmer
025 500 789                                  Katipo Communications Ltd
address@hidden                                    www.katipo.co.nz

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