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[Koha-devel] Pretty OPAC biblio record : patch

From: Rob Levandowski
Subject: [Koha-devel] Pretty OPAC biblio record : patch
Date: Wed Aug 7 20:02:02 2002

When I started playing around with Koha 1.2.2, I found that the biblio record display in the OPAC catalogue search detail wasn't pretty or functional enough for me.

Below are diffs for the changes I made to detail.pl. They make the following changes:

* the Author becomes a link to search.pl with the appropriate argument.
* the Additional Author field becomes an unordered list, with each name as a link to search.pl. A substitution removes any trailing qualifiers commonly used by the Library of Congress for motion picture authorship -- that is, if "BROOKS, MEL, DIRECTION, PRODUCTION, CAST" is an additional author on a movie, the titles are removed so the search is for "BROOKS, MEL." * the Subject field becomes an ordered list, with each subject as a link to search.pl. I'll probably modify this some more to recognize " -- " and the em dash (%97) as hierarchical separators, and divide up the link, so that "PROGRAMMING -- LANGUAGES" has two links: the word "programming" as a search for that word, and the word "languages" as a search for "programming -- languages."

These diffs are against the version in intranet-cgi. That version can, of course, be used in the opac-cgi location too.

> use URI::Escape;
>  }
>  if ($dat->{'author'} ne ''){
>   print "<B>Author:</B> <A HREF=\"search.pl?author=";
>   my $autlink=$dat->{'author'};
>   $autlink =~ s/(, DIRECTION|, WRITING|, CAST|, PRODUCTION)//ig;
>   my $htautlink = uri_escape($autlink);
>   print "$htautlink\&type=opac\">$dat->{'author'}</A><BR>";
>  }
>  #Additional Author: <br>
>  if ($additional ne ''){
>   my $adstr = $additional;
>   my @adar = split /\s*\|/, $adstr;
>   print "<B>Additional Author";
>   if(scalar @adar > 1){ print "s"; }
>   print ": </B><UL>";
>   my $autitem;
>   foreach $autitem (@adar) {
>       print "<LI>";
>       print "<A HREF=\"search.pl?author=";
>       my $autlink = $autitem;
>       $autlink =~ s/(, DIRECTION|, WRITING|, CAST|, PRODUCTION)//ig;
>       my $htitem = uri_escape($autlink);
>       print "$htitem\&type=opac\">$autitem</A>";
>   }
>   print "</UL>";
< if ($dat->{'author'} ne ''){
<   print "<b>Author:</b> $dat->{'author'}<br>";
< }
< #Additional Author: <br>
> print "\n";
<   print "<b>Subject:</b> $dat->{'subject'}<br>";
>   my $subj = $dat->{'subject'};
>   $subj =~ s/^\s*\|\s*//;
>   my @subar = split /\|\s+/, $subj;
>   print "<B>Subject:</B> <OL>";
>   my $subitem;
>   SUBLOOP: foreach $subitem (@subar) {
>       print "<LI>";
>       print "<A HREF=\"subjectsearch.pl?subject=";
>       $subitem =~ s/\s*$//;
>       my $htitem = uri_escape($subitem);
>       print "$htitem\&type=opac\">$subitem</A>";
>   }
>   print "</OL>\n";

Rob Levandowski

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