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Re: [Koha-devel] 1.3.x roadmap

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] 1.3.x roadmap
Date: Mon Oct 7 11:09:03 2002
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Pat Eyler wrote:

You may want to avoid the 1.3.0 series for a bit longer yet (wait for
1.3.2 I'd guess -- Paul?).  It's really geared at developers at this
point.  The good news is that the user visible (and installer bits) are
going to be substantially the same as the 1.2.X versions, so the
experience you gain in setting up and demoing things will carry over.

1.3.1 should come in the next 2 weeks. It will have :
* admin of marc param tables (already in CVS)
* marc viewing of a biblio (beginning in CVS)
1.3.2 :
* marc import
* marc adding/modifying of a biblio (the biggest challenge !)
1.3.3 :
* marc searches
1.3.4 :
* marc export
* installation improvement to install differents marc parameters (english MARC21 already done, and french UNIMARC on the road. Any volunteer welcomed for anymarc else)

Then bug tracking, then 1.4.0, then, (virtual) champagne ;-)

Seems quite easy when written like this...

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