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[Koha-devel] Use of "my $dbh=C4Connect;"

From: Larry Currie
Subject: [Koha-devel] Use of "my $dbh=C4Connect;"
Date: Tue Mar 25 13:56:04 2003

We're developing a script to load data for the biblio, biblioitems, and
items tables of the koha MySQL database using DBI and we're wondering
what to use for our database handle.  I can see that in a number of the
koha scripts the command

my $dbh=C4Connect;

is used to establish the connection to the koha database and that the
command lines

use C4::Database;          and
use C4::Input;

are inserted at the top of the scripts.

The DBI documentation, however, instructs you to use the following
database handle command:

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:DriverName:db_name", $user, $password)
   or die "Can't connect to $data_source: $DBI::errstr";

Can someone help us to reconcile these two methods or instruct us on how
we should be connecting to the koha database to perform our INSERT


Larry Currie

Lawrence W. Currie
User Services Librarian
California Academy of Sciences
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 750-7108
(415) 750-7106 fax

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