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Re: [Koha-devel] 2.0 release meeting

From: Serge Renaux
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] 2.0 release meeting
Date: Wed Jun 18 08:23:03 2003
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Do you have any news about Sticky due date problem ?   (see bugzila)
Do you know how to get reports daily working ?
   if not, may we work on this topics ?
Do you know how we can locks members accounts ?


paul POULAIN wrote:

Pat Eyler wrote:

Hello everyone,
With a 2.0.0 release rapidly approaching, and a bunch of bugs needing to
be found, reported, prioritized, and fixed, we're going to institute a
weekly irc meeting to help handle the load.

We'll meet every Wednesday at 1900 UTC in the #koha channel at
irc.katipo.co.nz -- Anyone is welcome to attend, please bring your bug
reports.  If you can't make it this week (short notice, I know), please
drop in to any of the meetings you can make.

(Here are a couple of conversions follow)
UTC          France     Seattle   New Zealand
Wed 19:00   Wed 21:00   Wed 12:00  Thu 07:00

(Please feel free to translate and/or forward this message to
other mailing lists as appropriate.)
I'll be here.
Maybe/probably late, but i'll arrive ASAP.

I'll leave irc open on my computer to read what you've discussed about.

What I want to speak is : MIGRATION tools and DOCS provided with official 2.0.0
feel free to think about this before the meeting.
I agree to speak of bugs too, of course, (but only bugs).

I would be happy to speak of a script that shows translate teams the differences that occured in english templates since a date/release. I think it would be an invaluable tool to maintain translated templates between releases.

Serge Renaux
Groupe ESIEE / CCI Paris
EMail:address@hidden            Tel:(33)

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