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[Koha-devel] OLC Annual Conference Docs

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: [Koha-devel] OLC Annual Conference Docs
Date: Tue Sep 28 06:36:21 2004
User-agent: Mutt/

Hi everyone,

I've finally finished my conference handout and Koha presentation slides/notes  
for the OLC conference on Wednesday (http://http://www.olc.org/ann_conf.asp)    
and they are available on my website:

(looks best in Mozilla; http://mozilla.org)


(there's an html version too: 

There'a also a Freemind mindmap that basically contains the same general
information as the handout ... but in a mindmap format:
http://kados.org/LibraryScience/koha.mm.html (if you don't have Freemind
you can use your browser--or download http://sourceforge.net/projects/freemind)

I've also put together a static Koha resources page with a few more resources
listed than on the handout (due to space constraints) that I plan to point      
folks to for further info (since the official one isn't ready yet):

There's still one day before the conference so if anyone has any suggestions    
for improving anything let me know--if you know of any resources I've not       
listed please drop me a note.  And feel free to use and modify anything as it's 
all CC licensed (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/).

I'm going to try to videotape the Koha presentation, our Linux Installfest and  
our Kohafest ... so hopefully that'll be forthcoming too.

Finally, if I have time I'll spruce up the docs I've written and get them
out later today ... we'll see how that goes.

Joshua Ferraro

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