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Re: [Koha-devel] OPAC reserve dates

From: Owen Leonard
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] OPAC reserve dates
Date: Mon Dec 6 09:21:09 2004

>>>For as long as I've been working with Koha the default 
>>>theme has had a form for specifying beginning and ending 
>>>for reserves.  I don't think that has ever served any 

> Owen, do you mean that beginning or ending dates are never 
used in the
> code?  I recall seeing those variables addressed somewhere, 
but I don't
> remember where (nor in what version).

What I know is that there is nowhere in the reserves table for 
these values.  That tells me the form is useless.  I just wish 
I knew why it was put there in the first place!

> It seems to me that these dates would be useful.  If I want 
to reserve a
> book but am going on vacation for three weeks and don't want 
to get the
> book until I get back, then the beginning date for the 
reserve is useful. 
> On the other hand, if I need the book for a class and don't 
want to get it
> after the class is over, then an ending date is also 

I agree absolutely, and I even filed a bug about this the last 
time I got worked up about this issue:


...But that's an enhancement bug, and we all know what happens 
to those ;)

 -- Owen

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