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Re: [Koha-devel] MARC tags/subfields downloaded v/s displayed

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] MARC tags/subfields downloaded v/s displayed
Date: Thu Feb 3 08:58:36 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Harvey Lee a écrit :
Hi all,

I've got a question concerning the downloaded MARC tags/subfields from Z3950.

you mean in Koha breeding farm/reservoir don't you ?

If a certain MARC tag/subfield is present in the Z3950 downloaded record, but I choose not to display this tag/subfield in the MARC view (i.e., tab = - 1 or 'ignored'), is the tag/subfield supposed to be stored in marc_subfield_table?

Maybe I misinterpreted what I read a while back, but I thought ALL of the MARC data was stored even though it may not be displayed. I'm finding that only those tag/subfields that are visible on download are stored. But AFTER the downloaded biblio is saved into the catalogue, I can then show/hide the subset of subfields that actually made it into the marc_subfield_table.
I'm running Koha2.0.0. Is this design intent or is this a bug that there
is a fix for already? Can anyone comment?

If you speak of reservoir biblios, then you should be wrong somewhere : when you catalogage biblios, the useless subfields are discarded.

so you may speak of bulkmarcimport-ed biblios. In this case, you are right : the whole biblio is added to the DB. But that's not a bug, that's how it is supposed to work. If you want to "clean" your biblios, you need to do this in bulkmarcimport or by deleting useless marc_subfield_table and marc_word entries.

Fare well

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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