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Re: [Koha-devel] MARC Editor Visibility

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] MARC Editor Visibility
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:50:50 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 02:48:32PM +0200, Pierrick LE GALL wrote:
> Thank you for sending a clean explanation by mail, I didn't understand
> what you were talking about with thd and paul on IRC.

> I agree that in a general way, MARC Editor really need improvement. I
> bet the best improvement will be to use another technology than
> HTML/Javascript... (Paul's student will work on it I suppose).
Yep, in fact, there is a basic description of our goal here:


Paul's student will work on this, but also, an Ohio University class
will begin working on it in a couple of weeks. It would be nice
if we could figure out some way to collaborate all our resources
rather than reinvent the wheel each time.

> At this point, I thought you had found a way to /suggest/ which
> tags/subfields were rare and which were uncommon. (Wouldn't it be
> interesting?)
Yes, very. However, our scheme only allows us to specify which
should be visible in the editor based on the visibility flag in 
the framework.

> > 3. [backward compatibility]
> So your technical solution is:
> > [...] Using the current framework's 'hidden' [...] Given that
> > limitation [...]:
Correct ... we are aiming for backwards-compatibility by not
changing the database at all (a requirement of 2.2.x releases).

> Joshua, I implore you to make this simpler on HEAD. If you need 4
> boolean values ($display_in_OPAC, $display_in_intranet,
> $show_in_editor, $collapse_in_editor), use 4 booleans. Not a 16
> values flag. It will be far more readable for the one who did not code
> the first version.
> The solution you propose is mind satisfaying but hard to
> understand and maintain for followers.
I agree 100%. When it comes time to discuss the marc framework in 
HEAD we'll definitely be creating some new tables to store the 
necessary data.

> Staying on the MARC editor topic, is there a kind of specification for
> the future MARC editor Koha needs in 3.0 ? (I mean the one that Paul's
> student is supposed to work on)

(also posted above)


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