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Re: SPAM- [Koha-devel] koha 2.2.6RC2 is ...

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: SPAM- [Koha-devel] koha 2.2.6RC2 is ...
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 15:21:44 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060719)

Michael Hafen a écrit :

Hi Michael,

Probably isn't a good thing to reply to a release announcement, but I'll
do it anyway.

No problem to do this.

If I new you were working on patron pictures I would have contibuted.  I
even have a script for uploading patron pictures, which I will attach.

The good news : you have contributed => I have added your scripts to official release. I just have added a warning that the feature is "experimental", as i'm not sure it will work out of the box (maybe some directory permission problems may occur)

You mention the item list in the result set being changed to show the
number of (similar) items, rather than one item per line.  I have a
different solution to this.  A little code, and a little javascript I
use to collapse the item list if there are more than a certain number of
items to display.  I will also copy that code to this message for you to
see.  Maybe someone will like this better.

I won't copy this code immediatly, but the idea is good. The only problem i'm afraid is that, when cataloguing a daily serial, you can have 300+ items. In this case, the html would be heavy & the javascript probably not so quick. I let your code in cc:, it will be in koha-devel history if someone want to give it a try one day (for koha 3.0)

in search.marc/search.pl and opac-search.pl
        for (my $i=0; $i <= $#$results; $i++) {
                my @items = @{$$results[$i]->{CN}};
                # collapse copy info column if more than a few copies
                if (@items > 3) {
                        $$results[$i]->{collapse} = 1;

in search.marc/result.tmpl and opac-searchresults.tmpl
                        <td><!-- TMPL_IF NAME="collapse"--><acronym 
title="click for copy
information"><a name="copies_<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->_a"
onclick="expand('copies_<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->');"
class="expander">...</a></acronym><div style="display:none;"
id="copies_<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->"><!-- /TMPL_IF --><!--
TMPL_LOOP name="CN" --><!-- <!-- TMPL_VAR name="holdingbranch" -->
--><!-- TMPL_VAR name="holdingbranchname" --> <!-- TMPL_VAR
name="location" -->        <!-- TMPL_IF name="date_due" -->        <i>(Checked 
until <!-- TMPL_VAR name="date_due" -->)</i><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><!--
TMPL_IF name="itemcallnumber" --> (<!-- TMPL_VAR name="itemcallnumber"
-->)<!-- /TMPL_IF --><!-- /TMPL_IF --><br /><!-- /TMPL_LOOP --><!--
TMPL_IF NAME="collapse" --></div><!-- /TMPL_IF
--></td></tr><!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->


function expand() {
        for (e_index = 0; e_index < expand.arguments.length; e_index++) {
                e_id = expand.arguments[e_index];
                e_block = document.getElementById(e_id);
                if (e_block.style.display == 'none') {
                        e_block.style.display = 'block';
                } else {
                        e_block.style.display = 'none';

in intranet.css and opac.css

a.expander {
        text-decoration : underline;
        cursor : pointer;

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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