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Re: [Koha-devel] dev_week / rel_3_0 zebra API

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] dev_week / rel_3_0 zebra API
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 18:03:47 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060909)

Joshua Ferraro a écrit :
- we don't see anything commited in acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl and additem.pl, meaning either you have forgotten to commit them, or that it is still to be done. Pls tell us ;-)
I forgot to commit ... will do today.

ok, thanks. I was sure you couldn't have cleaned so many things without testing, so I was sure it was just something forgotten.

- AddBiblio / ModBiblio ... are now the ONLY point of entry to add a biblio. That means the parameter MARC=OFF is definetly gone & abandonned.
For dev_week/2.4, this is true. dev_week/2.4 is strictly for libraries that use

so the question is : CHRIS => is it OK for you, because it's OK for me, so unless you say something, MARC=OFF will disappear in koha 3.0 !

* Search API :
- The search on catalogue can be done with Search.pm, subs BuildQuery & GetRecords. All previous subs (cataloguersearch... are deprecated & can/will be removed from the code)
Not quite ... they are deprecated entirely from the OPAC. See the next point.

- the search in librarian interface is still search.marc/search.pl, and don't use this new definitive API yet.
There is an API wrapper that works, though needs many improvements. This
means that anything calling catalogsearch will "work", or minimally, it should
return results. I plan to expand on the wrapper a bit in the coming weeks, but
eventually, (in rel_3_0), we'll want to re-write all the Intranet searches
to use the new API.

OK, gotcha. wouldn't it be easy to copy/paste opac-search to librarian search ? we wouldn't loose so many features.

- the search in OPAC is search (opac-search.pl & opac-zoomsearch.pl are deprecated too & can be dropped). Is there a reason why you called it "search" only (no .pl & no opac-xxx) ?
It could be opac-search.pl. My goal was to shorten the URI for the user
to one that makes more sense, but it's probably better to do this with

probably. I asked toins to rename search to opac-search.pl in rel_3_0 to have all opac related stuff still called opac-..., and the .pl that is important for mod_perl if I don't mind.

* where can we help ? we are going to merge the code to rel_3_0 and continue cleaning, but should we do this on dev_week BEFORE merging, or on rel_3_0 AFTER merging ?
I would recommend sticking with rel_3_0, merge in code from dev_week/2.4
as you see fit. I'll catch up with you once dev_week/2.4 is production-
ready for the minimum requirements of LibLime's Koha-Zebra clients (ie, no UNIMARC, no MARC=off, no multi-language, etc.).

Looking forward, I think it's going to be very important to define
roles for each of our developers. Koha's codebase is simply too
large for one developer to try to maintain. Perhaps at an upcoming
meeting we can discuss this further.

you're a wise man & I totally agree...
and i think with repected coding rules & code cleaned & a stable API, we could divide the code "easily".

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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