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Re: [Koha-devel] (koha 3.0) OPAC search results list

From: Bryan Baldus
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] (koha 3.0) OPAC search results list
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 23:36:31 -0500

At 11:24 AM +0200 7/3/07, Paul POULAIN wrote:
yesterday, kados & me spoke of the look the result list could/should have for Koha 3.0
Here are 2 proposals :

I haven't been following this list closely, but happened upon this discussion and decided to look at the examples. My perspective is that of a cataloger (traditionalist), so my thoughts might be skewed by that. I apologize if the nature of my comments stray from what is expected. I viewed the pages using iCab 2.9.9 (on MacOS 9.2.2) with JavaScript turned off (and minimal CSS support). As a result of that, I believe the page layouts were a bit off--on CCFLS, the sidebar for refining the search appears at the bottom of the page, after all results. On IPT, the sidebar appears at the top followed by the refinement terms, then the results--requiring quite a bit of scrolling to get to the results. In both cases, I believe my browser is making it more difficult to determine which checkbox goes with which record, particularly in the CCFLS display. When in the middle of the results set, mostly for items with no cover image, the call number line appears close to the next title, and it isn't immediately clear whether the call number belongs with the title above or the title below. The IPT display is better in having the table format, but with the links for author and title, the records become mixed, as well--for example between "Un chant dans le chaos" and "Temps, mémoires, chaos."


1. While searching, I came upon #36489, Lettres a Madame Caroline Commanville. Under the 200, type de document, it has "HASH(0x906aa80)."

2. From the initial link, I clicked on "Charbonneau (2)" and then Topics->"Developpement econ... (2). This results in a message "Aucun resultat ne correspond a votre recherche 'chaos and au:Charbonneau and su-to:Developpement economique' dans le catalogue de Bibliotheque - Institut Protestant de Theologie (Paris)." Why does the link have (2) if clicking on it brings up no results?

3. I find it difficult to determine what the title link is vs. the link belonging to the statement of responsibility/author, mainly due to the lack of ISBD punctuation or anything else in the initial results list to clearly indicate whether the link is for the title or the author.


1. A recent thread of discussion on AUTOCAT dealt with the importance of displaying the transcribed statement of responsibility (245$c) vs. substituting "by"+ inverted form of name. An example of where meaning is lost is with record # mpl19219724 (ISBN 0765194902), Beautiful stories from Shakespeare for children / retold by E.Nesbit ; beautifully illustrated with color plates and fine pen drawings by Max Bihn ; edited and arranged by E.T. Roe. Without going to the MARC record view, how are the users to know the roles E. Nesbit and E.T. Roe played in working on this book?

2. Going along with CCFLS#1, I don't understand why ISBD-based display is now outdated and no longer valid in online catalogs. On record # bl2005009213 (ISBN 0764131427), William Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream, why is "2002 - Barron's Educational Series, ; Hauppauge, N.Y. : - vi, 58 p. : : Originally published: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2002. ; 26 cm." more understanable than Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's Educational Series, 2002. -- vi, 58 p. ; 26 cm. -- (Picture this! Shakespeare) -- Originally published: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 2002.?

3. On the Details (single-record default display?) page, it would be helpful if the 521 generated some label before listing the data. For example, in the record cited in CCFLS#2, "7-9" appears in the Description section. What does this mean? The MARC display doesn't help much, as the indicators seem to be missing. Even if the indicators are blank, a label like "Audience:" would be more informative than simply giving what appear to be random numbers.

4. On the MARC View page, clicking the ISBD button results in a page "Fill with appropriate value..."

5. After following the MARC View link, the text of the button for going to the default record display varies between "Normal View" and "Simple View" (on ISBD page).

6. On the MARC View:

a. As mentioned in CCFLS#3, the indicators appear to be missing. If this display is intended primarily for librarians, why not show the whole MARC record?

b. Why are there hyphens in the ISBN in the MARC display but not in the Normal display? Preferable would be to leave them out. I'm not sure how Koha searches, but in most systems, the hyphens have to be removed in order to be searched.

c. Having descriptions of what each field and subfield means might be helpful to some users, but for someone more familiar with the MARC record, a more useful display (at least for me) would be to have all subfields in a single row (or set of rows, if wrapping is necessary). On the other hand, since this display is for the public interface, I guess having the description of each subfield would be better for the general public users who might venture into the MARC display.

Thank you for your assistance,

Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.

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