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[Koha-devel] Native Koha 3 Support for Win32 Installation Project

From: Chris Nighswonger
Subject: [Koha-devel] Native Koha 3 Support for Win32 Installation Project
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:15:44 -0500

Hi all,
  Some time back in December I started toying with installing Koha 3
on Windows XP using the Koha installer and Strawberry Perl 5.8.8.
Several have asked about it so here is the latest. The attached Open
Office document gives more grueling details.
  I made some modifications to Makefile.PL to detect the Win32
platform and went to work installing the required Perl modules. The
larger part of them installed fine via cpan, but a half dozen or so
did not. With Galen Charlton's help, I have made some progress. There
are five (six w/Schedule::AT) modules which are yet to be
compiled/installed on Win32 using Strawberry (versions may be bad due
to an old copy of Makefile.PL):

[Wed Jan 23 06:58:50 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
DBD::mysql 3.0008 not found.
[Wed Jan 23 06:58:56 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
MARC::File::XML 0.88 not found.
[Wed Jan 23 06:59:11 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
XML::Dumper 0.81 not found.
[Wed Jan 23 06:59:11 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite
XML::LibXSLT 1.63 not found.
[Wed Jan 23 06:59:11 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite XML::RSS
1.31 not found.

I *think* that XML::Dumper and XML::RSS will install once XML::LibXSLT
is installed.

Zebra remains to be installed and tested.

The attachements to this email include:

1. A document detailing what I have accomplished so far.
2. Two files references in the document.

This is very much a side project for me as I really have no interest
in running Koha 3 on Win32 except to say I did it. :-)
Any help would be greatly appriciated. Maybe someone out there with a
lot of C++ experience can get libxslt working as this is the real
blocker right now.
Comments and criticisms welcome.


PS. I plan on adding the included summary to the wiki so that anyone
can update it as work progresses.

Chris Nighswonger
Faculty Member
Network & Systems Director
Foundations Bible College & Seminary

Attachment: Koha Perl Modules Status.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Attachment: Makefile.PL
Description: Text document

Attachment: libxslt.def
Description: Text document

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