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[Koha-devel] Some thoughts about bulkediting Biblios testing merge_autho

From: henridamien.laurent
Subject: [Koha-devel] Some thoughts about bulkediting Biblios testing merge_authority.pl .
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 22:49:30 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080725)

I tested yesterday some authorities modification on the fly.
I see two bottlenecks :
a) commits in the database are done on each record processed.
they should be delayed until all the records are processed. At the moment there is no way using ModBiblio to take control over commits in the database, unless I am mistaken.
Could be added quite fast. Someone wanting to test that solution ?

b) having to act record by record rather than on the whole bunch of records.
Indeed, NoZebra uses GetMarcbiblio and zebra returns USMARC or marcxml but record by record.
When it comes to editing 200 biblios, it takes several seconds.
maybe if we could have a file containing all the biblios and apply one s///g it could be lightning fast. The problem would be then that there is no batch update into the database designed.
But maybe I am dreaming.

Nonetheless, if we can't make batch update faster, then we should make it a scheduled process (and have a good API for that which would support regular scheduling).

Comments welcome.

Henri-Damien LAURENT
BibLibre SARL
Expert en Logiciels Libres pour l'info-doc
tel : +33 4 67 65 75 50

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