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[Koha-win32] One person's experience with W32 install

From: robweir
Subject: [Koha-win32] One person's experience with W32 install
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 14:48:20 -0500


I am forwaring in this email a number of exchanges I've had with one person who 
was brave enough to try the W32 Koha install. He has it up and running, but is 
getting errors on some pages and cannot access others. Could a couple of you 
more experienced Koha users take a look at the last email or two and tell us if 
what he is seeing is characteristic of V1.2.3RC14? I know that is a beta 
release and has some bugs in it.

Would I be better to use V1.2.2 for testing on windows?

Thanks for your help! I'll be away for the weekend, so won't be repsponding to 
emails until Monday.


----- Original Message -----
From: "nicanor pacaide jr" <address@hidden
To: <address@hidden
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 4:09 AM
Subject: koha win32 up and running on local network

Hi Rob,

The second try was very smooth and koha is up and running on win98SE. Other 
networks on the intranet can now  access the sample database. I still have a 
few question. Is the current installation of koha for win32  complete? Because 
it only opens KOHA SEARCH CATALOG. I cannot fine the aquisition, circulation 
and other  modules on koha library system; but the koha search page works well.

Thanks for any help.


--- address@hidden wrote:
From: <address@hidden
To: "nicanor pacaide jr" <address@hidden
Subject: Re: koha win32 up and running on local
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 07:41:16 -0500

Hi Nic,

Glad to hear you got it running. All the modules are there. Koha has two user 
interfaces - 'opac' for clients  searching for books and 'intranet' for the 
library staff doing all the other functions. You have connected to  the opac 

The install that you ran creates two Apache virtual directories - one named 
simply 'opac' and the other named  'intranet'. The configuration for these 
virtual directories is at the very end of the Apache config file called  httpd. 
conf that you can find in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf. Normally, 
virtual directories  would have names like www.mycompany.com and would make use 
of name resolution provided by your network domain controller, but to keep 
things simple on my stand-alone test machine, I named them simply 'opac' and  
'intranet'. The install then makes an entry in the lmhosts file in C:\Windows 
on Windows 98 or in the hosts  file in C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc on WinNT 
or W2000 machines to refer both 'opac' and 'intranet' back to, the 
IP address of your local machine. On my test workstation, I can type simply 
opac on the address  line of my browser to access the opac interface or I can 
type intranet to access the librarian/intranet  interface. I think the virtual 
directories are set up so if you type 'localhost' or the local IP address, it  
defaults to the opac interface. My goal was to have something people could test 
on a single machine without  getting involved with DNS name resolution, etc.

Have you tried 'intranet' as the url in your browser? Of course, to use Koha on 
the network, you'll need to do  some reading on how to set up Apache virtual 
directories and change the virtual directory setup in httpd. conf to work 
correctly on your network. But first, see if you can get everything working on 
the machine you installed on.

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nicanor pacaide jr" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: opac intranet does'nt work

Hi Rob,

> The installthen makes an entry in
> the lmhosts file in C:\Windows on Windows 98 or in
> the hosts file in
> C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc on WinNT or W2000
> machines to refer both
> 'opac' and 'intranet' back to, the IP
> address of your local machine. 

i already try to change the hosts in my windows
directory like    opac    intranet

when i enter opac or intranet on the address bar it
will go to this site


even      opac      intranet

same result as above

i already try to change the virtual hosts default from
opac to intranet it works but still i have to type the
ip address of my machine.

if i type opac or intranet on the address bar it
doesnt work, i have to type the ip address b4 it

thanks for any help.


Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:27:01 -0500
X-Priority: 3
To: address@hidden
Subject: re: opac intranet does'nt work


The problem you're describing is related to the Apache web server, not to Koha. 
Honestly, I don't know the best  way to help you. The problem is name 
resolution. Your browser is going out to the DNS server on the internet  and 
asking it to resolve the url and it doesn't know anything about opac or 
intranet. Some how it needs to look locally first. 

Are you behind a proxy server? You could try setting your browser options to 
"bypass proxy server for local addresses". Are you on a LAN with a domain 
controller? You could ask your MIS person to add DNS records to the DNS server 
for Koha. Or there are serveral other ways to set up Apache virtual directories 
using names, IP  addresses, or ports. I have the install I gave you working 
stand alone on a W98 machine, a W2000 machine, and a  WinNT machine, so I think 
all the Koha files are ok where they are. You need to play with the Apache  
configuration or Windows name resolution to get it working.

There are a bunch of Apache documents installed on your machine probably in 
C:\Program Files\Apache\Apache2\Manual. However a lot of them have a language 
suffix attached. If you want to use english,  rename all the .html.en files to 
.html files and then start with index.html. Look at the sections in the manual  
for "Virtual Hosts" and "Mapping URL's to the Filesystem". Also look at 
dns-caveats.html in the same manual  folder.

There is a manual for Koha at http://koha.org/manual/t20.html that has some 
information on configuring Apache.

If that doesn't help, try some research on the internet. I tried searching 
Google groups for "apache windows  dns" and it came up with a good bit on what 
you are describing. The Apache website might have more information  or there 
may be other websites if you search.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. Maybe you can figure out this part of the 
project, or I can post these  emails to the koha-w32 list tomorrow and see if 
someone else can help us. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nicanor pacaide jr" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:46 PM
Subject: it's working

> Hi Rob,
> i hope i'm not waking you up. i have good news for
> you. i can now access opac and intranet by typing opac
> and intranet on the address bar. i just check type
> "bypass proxy for local address" on the setting and
> it's up and running. but i notice that the icons on
> the koha intranet main page are not displayed. what's
> wrong with this?
> thanks for any help.
> nic

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nicanor pacaide jr" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 5:32 AM
Subject: page error

> Rob,
> good morning!
> i successfully configure koha on the network by just
> typing the opac and intranet on the address bar. it
> can also be access by other computers on the network
> by just typing opac and intranet in the address bar.
> but still i have problems encountered, like. the java
> scripts do not display on the intranet mainpage. the
> acquisition, parameters, accounts and reports and
> other menu option as well as the koha image.
> even if i access it on the localhost it doesn't
> display. and some of the link page have error, like in
> the parameters and in the catalogue. the error mesg.
> goes like this..."Problems with this webpage might
> prevent it from being displayed properly or
> functioning properly. " and when i click on details it
> displays:
> line: 30
> Char: 5
> Error: 'Document.forms.0.elements' is not an object
> URL: http://intranet/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue-home.pl
> thanks for any help.
> nic

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nicanor pacaide jr" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 10:42 PM
Subject: display not the same as test page

> Hi Rob,
> I was able to fix the problem on the images not
> displayed on the webpage. The problems that bother me
> right now is webpage error on the catalogue link:
> line: 30
> char: 5
> Error: 'Document.form.0.elements' is not an object
> URL: http://intranet/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue-home.pl
> aside from circulation, aquisition, opac and library
> website link the other links displays only the menu
> (catalogue, members, acquisitions, reports...) not the
> same display as the test drive of koha website.
> thanks for any help.
> nic

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