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[Koha-win32] Regarding the Koha install (Suggestions to make it better)

From: Joseph Coelho SJ
Subject: [Koha-win32] Regarding the Koha install (Suggestions to make it better)
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2005 17:46:32 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

I have installed Koha 2.2.2b and Koha 2.2.3 on Windows and will begin the work of entering records soon (for the time being we are entering only the basic bibliographic information).

There are some things that could be done to the Koha installer to make the installation process run smoothly.

When installing Koha it finds that one of the Perl modules is missing. I had downloaded it and installed it before installing Koha. Maybe the version of Perl I had installed was older than expected. However since the Koha installer installs the required Perl modules, this one too could be included in it. The Perl module I am refering to is 'Convert-ASN1'.

The MARC21 tags are included in a SQL command file called 'structure_def.sql' in the folder 'C:\Usr\koha223\scripts\misc\marc_datas\marc21_en'. After installing Koha one has to use a SQL front-end tool to run these instructions and add the MARC21 tags to the Koha (blank223) database. This work could have been done beforehand and the database already populated with these records. The user could then modify the MARC21 tags as per his or her need.

The subroutine TooMany in the circ2.pm file has a logical error (reported by Norberto Ottogalli, address@hidden). He had mailed the corrected version of the subroutine on the list on 30 June 2005. This could be incorporated in the Koha install.

I hope these suggestions will be considered to make the Koha installer more user friendly and Koha itself more easier to use.

Good wishes
Joseph Coelho, SJ
Pune, India.

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