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Re: [Koha-win32] Re: [Koha] MARC import with no ISBN #

From: Tony Wilson
Subject: Re: [Koha-win32] Re: [Koha] MARC import with no ISBN #
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 11:37:50 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

I have two questions related to this issue, I think.

One, in the Widows version, am I correct that the bulk import midule does not work?

Second, we are importing via the browser and then find that the system seems to be ignoring the second indicator in the 254 field so the initail artilcles in titles are being used in filing.. Is this an import problem or something else? The correct indicators seem to be present in the record.

Tony Wilson
Seattle Academy of Fine Art

Thomas D wrote:


I advise against using the current Koha web browser interface administration
tools for importing MARC records if you want complete and/or valid records.
Any deficiency, and there are many, in the System Administrtion : Biblio
Framework will result in fields and subfields missing from the biblio
framework being dropped from records imported through the Koha
administration web interface.  You could add the missing fields and
subfields to correct for this problem but some time should be taken to audit
the existing default framework.  This is true for System Administration :
Import.  This is also true for the Koha Z39.50 client, which of course does
not work on MS Windows or OSX for the Koha 2.X.X versions.

Import MARC records into Koha in batches using bulkmarcimport.pl to import
the records.  The Unix default path is
/usr/local/koha/intranet/scripts/misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl in
Koha 2.2.4.  Be certain to set the proper values for the environment
variables PERL5LIB and KOHA_CONF before running the script.

Keep a copy of all your records even after using bulkmarcimport.pl Having a
copy of your records outside Koha protects them against any problems in Koha
and can be used to reimport them in future.


If you use bulkmarcimport.pl, you also avoid this bug that has manifested
itself again from Koha 2.2.2 and after. http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=998 .

Thomas D

Quoting Carol Ku <address@hidden> :
---------------- Beginning of the original message ------------------

Does MARC record have to have ISBN # in order to be imported? I encounter some
problems trying to import some Chinese Books from a university
in Hong kOng.
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