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Re: [Koha-win32] CATALOGING again... MORE INFO...

From: Rachel Hamilton-Williams
Subject: Re: [Koha-win32] CATALOGING again... MORE INFO...
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 17:16:36 +1300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Phil for a question like this you will need to give more info - it is likely you are missing a required field, or you've given it the same barcode as another item, or any number of things that could be wrong.

Things it's good to "say" when you need a hand (not in any particular order btw)

1/. If possible an URL where people can go look
2/. Whether you've got a biblio in but no item
3/. Whether the item is a particular "type" that might be different to the others you've put in
4/. Whether you can find the biblio/item in the intranet v's OPAC
5/. Whether you get any errors when searching for or entering it
6/. What version of Koha you're running & on what platform (although as you've posted to the windows list I'm guessing it's on windows).
7/. What you've tried already
8/. Can you "see" the correct data in the database - or is it not getting that far

There are a few "gotchas" I think - like you need to have some itemtypes setup, and I think you need some stopwords and maybe some subjects as well - but my Windows knowledge is probably out of date.

If you've got some working and some not you could even look at the book title - is there something in it that might be causing problems? & $ for example?


Phil Lathroum wrote:
Ok... I've added a few books and they are OK...
Why is one not adding... am I missing a required field... it shows in the Biblio but not as an item in the catalog... HELP /Philip Lathroum/
/        Technology Coordinator/
/        Cardinal Shehan School/
/           410-433-2775 x107/


Koha-win32 mailing list

Rachel Hamilton-Williams
General Manager
Katipo Communications Ltd

Phone:  +64-4-934 1285
Mobile: 021 389 128
E-mail: address@hidden
Web:    www.katipo.co.nz

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