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Using Objective-C or x (Re: Hurd direction)

From: exa
Subject: Using Objective-C or x (Re: Hurd direction)
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:30:59 +0300

Hash: SHA1

[This message is an extension of my short suggestion about using linguistic 
support for portability on the bug-hurd list.]

If you used a language with object and message passing semantics, it might 
become a lot easier to make hurd portable.


  1) Obj-c 
  2) Cilk
  3) Custom language extension, new language (like inferno?)
  4) Going C++ (better std lib, still message passing requires lang. 
extension a la Charm++ which is _not_ a fantastic thing). Might be feasible 
since we have a much better std lib now. [*]

Things not to do:

  1) Corba
  2) A "Component Object Model"

Using another language of course does not remove, by itself, complications in 
the present architecture (part of which is dependency on mach)

The candidates have been ordered in order of decreasing feasibility. Many 
people know obj-c and we have a front end in GCC. Cilk is pretty nice, and 
used by some hackers at MIT (and elsewhere presumably). Both are extensions 
to C, so transition is relatively easy. A custom language might be perfected 
but takes time. Extending C++ (in a good way) is very difficult.

What is the advantage of using a concurrent class based[+] (following 
Cardelli's definition) language?
  * shorter/cleaner/better code
  * portability to alternative message passing systems (change the backend)


[*] I'm aware that kernel people despise C++. I can't do much about that 
except to point out that if you use C++ right it might be a viable option and 
stdlib, virtual methods, type-checking, genericity, etc. can all be used to 
advantage in modern os code.
[+] Cilk is not class based IIRC, and I don't think Obj-C is concurrent... :)

On Tuesday 17 July 2001 10:35 pm, Farid Hajji wrote:
> Hmmm... that seems overoptimistic right now. The Hurd is very closely
> tied to Mach at the moment. Porting it to other uKernels like say, L4,
> would require IMHO a total redesign of some crucial parts. This looks
> more like a 0.x to 1.x (or even 1.x -> 2.x) transition!
> Of course, I don't mean a Hurd/Mach-Emulation/L4 port or something
> like this, but a true Hurd/L4 or Hurd/<some_other_uKernel> port.
> This said, I have no idea about the FSF's policy w.r.t. bumping version
> numbers of the Hurd.

- -- 
Eray Ozkural (exa) <address@hidden>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara
www: http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~erayo
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