First of all, I would like to congratulates you by the excelent project which LibExtractor is. I am developing a python script which iterates over lots of files getting all metadata which is possible. Among all possibilities I found LibExtractor as the best choice once it is great in performance and accepts a widely number of different formats. Just Awesome.
Apart from I noticed a inconsistency in mp3 metadata regarding format field. For many files I'm getting 96kbps bitrate but when on iTunes and Winamp they are being shown as 128kbps. I'm not sure why this is occurring and I'm just reporting this bug hoping it could be fixed in a future release. By the way I use the last available version 0.5.20b and also tried the online report. On both I got the same 96kbps bitrate.
Thank you a lot, Regards, -- Daniel Morilha (address@hidden)