I'm debugging a problem with a crash in MHD_select_thread. We had MHD_start_daemon_va fail while creating worker threads with the following error: "file descriptor for worker control pipe exceeds maximum value". We know what caused this error and are fixing it. But the problem was that a MHD_select_thread worker thread was left running in the background after MHD_start_daemon_va returned failure. I think the problem is from this code in the thread_failed case in daemon.c:
/* Shutdown worker threads we've already created. Pretend
as though we had fully initialized our daemon, but
with a smaller number of threads than had been
requested. */
daemon->worker_pool_size = i - 1;
MHD_stop_daemon (daemon);
return NULL;
From the code, it looks like "i" is actually the number of threads that were successfully created, so the "i - 1" in this code will leave an extra thread hanging since MHD_stop_daemon will clean up one less thread than it should. I'll probably try to work up a test to verify removing the "- 1" is correct, but that could take me some time so I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious before heading down that path.