I use libmicrohttpd in my project and I found one bug in a very specific
situation with chunked messages.
The scheme I use is keep-alive connection for transferring some files (chunked
content, HTTP/1.1 pipelining). When transfer is over, connection is closed by
client request.
I create responses with MHD_create_response_from_callback and the HTTP header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" is
automatically added to packet headers. But when the transfer is over and the last file requested, client sends
"Connection: close". Theoretically, by HTTP standard, the server should process the request and then close
the socket. And it does so, it sends the chunked data and closes the connection. But in the response to the last
request it loses the "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header and the client fails to accept the wrong formatted
HTTP packet. If I manually add "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" to the last HTTP response, it works fine.
I think the problem hides in this code piece:
file src/microhttpd/connection.c, line 1376, in function
if ( (MHD_NO != keepalive_possible (connection)) &&
(MHD_str_equal_caseless_ (MHD_HTTP_VERSION_1_1,
connection->version) ) )
if (NULL == have_encoding)
must_add_chunked_encoding = true;
connection->have_chunked_upload = true;
The connection is marked as non keep-alive at the moment after "Connection: close" and the content is still chunked. But the flag is not set and