Dear Bill,
You should use a "MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback" to be notified about
when MHD is 'finished' with a connection. Then, you can insert the
connection when the websocket mode is started into a data structure
(usually a doubly-linked-list (DLL) is better than an array) and remove
it during the above callback. To 'broadcast', you'd then iterate over
the DLL to send on each connection. Pseudocode:
struct ConnectionDllEntry {
struct ConnectionDllEntry *next;
struct ConnectionDllEntry *prev;
struct MHD_Connection *conn;
// other data structures you keep per connection
Then make sure to keep the above in the 'socket_context' you have per
MHD connection, and to clean up when the connection is finished:
my_notify_connection_cb (void *cls,
struct MHD_Connection *connection,
void **socket_context,
enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode toe)
struct ConnectionDllEntry *cde = *socket_context;
assert (connection == cde->connection);
REMOVE_FROM_DLL (cde_head, cde_tail, cde);
free (cde);
Anyway, I hope those bits give you enough of the idea.
Happy hacking!
On 7/19/22 23:47, Bill Bowling wrote:
I've been using libmicrohttpd for many years and have recently become
interested in using websockets.
I have a working version that seems to do what I want with a single client.
But, I want to broadcast a response to all connected clients.
I've searched through many posts and documents but have not stumbled
across how this could be done.
I think if I could place the connections in an array I could then loop
through them.
I have not been able to find enough information to pull this off.
Any help would be appreciated.
Bill Bowling