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Re: [Librefm-discuss] bzr repository

From: Rob Myers
Subject: Re: [Librefm-discuss] bzr repository
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 17:14:00 +0100
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On 15/05/10 06:26, M Metzger wrote:
> I am new. I am a developer and am intrigued with the software. I was going
> through the site and them the developer information when I hit a snag. There
> is an issue downloading the bzr repository from the link provided. I played
> around with it for a minute but then gave up. One of the errors I was
> receiving was that directory listing was not permitted (in so many words),
> and and another was that there was not a tree or branch or something along
> those lines. Any ideas.

Which link are you using?

suggests checking out the source code using this command line -

bzr branch

I just tried that and it seems to work OK.

- Rob.

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