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The role of FOSS in preventing a recurrence of vehicle emissions scandal

From: Lars Noodén
Subject: The role of FOSS in preventing a recurrence of vehicle emissions scandals
Date: Sat, 6 May 2023 16:58:09 +0300
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Recent news¹ reminds us that back in 2015 a whistleblower exposed the
VW/Audi emissions scandal, which I guess had been going on since 1999.
The companies executives used closed source, proprietary software in the
vehicles to hide the fact that the vehicles were emitting 40 times the
allowed NOx when actually out on the roads and not in the testing
centers.  Even with fines and prison sentences, there is no way to be
sure the companies are not working on more of the same -- unless the
development is done out in the open.

Clearly we see both physical and economic harm from neglecting to
require FOSS even in embedded computers, such as the 100+ now found in
each new car.  because these companies have already shown that the
closed source model *cannot* be trusted such style of development should
not be allowed any more in regards to vehicles.  Surely a FOSS-based
workflow can be figured out.

Perhaps it is a timely and appropriate topic for institutions like FSF,
OSI, EFFI, and so on to address that publicly?  Even a short statement
in passing would at least raise awareness and provide an opportunity to
ratchet things forward in regard to Software Freedom.


¹ Many sites on this topic, too, here is a small sample of three:

"Former Audi Chief to Plead Guilty in Emissions Scandal"

"Ex-Audi CEO to Plead Guilty Over 'Dieselgate' Scandal "

"Former head of Audi to confess in 'dieselgate' fraud trial|

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