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Re: [MLB] Linux fails test 'mdemo-exec.test' with Segmentation fault!

From: Gary V. Vaughan
Subject: Re: [MLB] Linux fails test 'mdemo-exec.test' with Segmentation fault!
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:15:22 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hi Robert,

On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 03:00:09PM -0600, Robert Boehne wrote:
> On Linux (Redhat 6.2) one of the test cases
> (the second execution of mdemo-exec.test) is failing with
> the current CVS version of libtool.  The problems is a segmentation
> fault coming from ltdl.c in the function lt_dlexit.  The following 
> debugging session shows that when on line 1117, the pointer 'cur'
> is incremented to the next structure, it's value becomes 0, then
> it is accessed in LT_DLIS_RESIDENT (cur), which results in
> a segmentation fault.

Excellent report.  Thanks!

I can't actually reproduce your problem on my Debian woody box, but
you pointed me at the right bit of code, and I have to admit to having
made a careless error.  I have applied this patch (to HEAD and MLB) in
place of the one you sent -- let me know if you still have a SIGSEGV
with this version.

I would have applied this sooner, but subversions hasn't been
cooperating with me for the last day and a half...

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Attachment: 2000-12-20-ltdl-resident.patch
Description: Text document

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