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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 1810 in lilypond: Make bin/bin-clean problem

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 1810 in lilypond: Make bin/bin-clean problem
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2012 16:00:36 +0000

Comment #1 on issue 1810 by address@hidden: Make bin/bin-clean problem

It's because it is not clear what we expect from "bin" target. "make help" says "check the lily directory and rebuild lilypond.exe if needed", so "bin" is intended to be requested for a rebuild, not a clean build.

I propose to choose among the following:
1) prepend "make help" message with "[rebuild only]". This does not really fix the issue, though.

2) remove "bin" target.

3) extend "bin" target so it builds everything that is needed to run out/bin/lilypond.

As the most ressource consuming tasks in "make all" are building lilypond binary and building fonts, and the latter is necessary to the former, I vote for 2): people that want to rebuild after a build and changes to C++ code can go for "make all" which is not significantly longer than "make bin" in this case.

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