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Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2707 in lilypond: Patch: Midi volume fixes

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 2707 in lilypond: Patch: Midi volume fixes
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012 04:36:19 +0000

Comment #18 on issue 2707 by address@hidden: Patch: Midi volume fixes

The obvious fix with  << { s8\> s8\! }  << {...} \\ {...} >> >>
avoids Heikki's warning (about a decrescendo starting a brand new voice) but the problem remains, or is maybe a bit worse. << \\ >> voices still receive the default dynamic level.

Getting proof-readable MIDI dynamics output from is not terribly difficult, but it involves problems beyond those solved in Heikki's patches.

I mentioned above that I move Dynamic_performer to the PianoStaff context, so the dynamics affect both staves, but this no longer works in general. Jan's new code does not support the "hack" of moving performers to different contexts. The Dynamic_performer keeps track of the current dynamic level in its assigned domain, but now the Staff_performer matches notes to dynamics based on the id-string of the Voice from which they came (using dynamic_map_ in the code). If I name any voices explicitly { \new Voice = "my-id-string" } or implicitly << \\ >> the notes in these voices are not connected to the dynamics collected at PianoStaff level, so they come out mezzo-forte-ish.

In practice I give up and just \remove Dynamic_performer. Heikki tries harder, and shares with the rest of us.

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