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[Lilypond-auto] Issue 3568 in lilypond: bendAfter affected by bar number

From: lilypond
Subject: [Lilypond-auto] Issue 3568 in lilypond: bendAfter affected by bar numbers
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 17:50:22 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Ugly

New issue 3568 by address@hidden: bendAfter affected by bar numbers

Reported by Mark Knoop:

 In the following example the bends are compressed to avoid the bar
 numbers. This would seem to be unnecessary. Possible bug? and any
 ideas for a workaround?

 \version "2.17.26"

 music = \repeat unfold 16 { c''4\bendAfter #-4 }
 sixteens = \repeat unfold 64 { c'16 }

 \new Score \with {
 } {
  << \music \sixteens >>

 \new Score \with {
  % bar number set high to accentuate the problem
  currentBarNumber = #200
 barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 1)
 \override BarNumber.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
} {
  << \music \sixteens >>

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